30th ever EarthFirst! summer gathering in the UK!
Exciting update: workshop blurbs online now!
Travel info here – please read if you come by car or need a shuttle from Shrewsbury. And call us (07780 996042) if your question is not answered on any of these pages or you get stuck 🙂
More info here.
💜 We are very excited to announce the 30th ever Earth First! summer gathering in the UK! From 25th-29th July at Crabapple, a gorgeous community orchard in Shrewsbury in the West Midlands. We invite you to five days of workshops, skill shares, solidarity, socialising, and conspiring the destruction of capitalism, patriarchy, and all the forces of domination of humans and nature ✊
🌈 It’s a space for radical thinkers, rebellious souls, and curious minds, bringing people together to strengthen and spread the radical ecological resistance movement across these northern isles that we call home. Join us! ☺️
🌱 Learn about current and past environmental struggles here and around the world, about (anti-)repression and movement victories, green anarchism and biocentrism, queer ecology and anti-colonial land justice. Or get your hands dirty in some of our more practical workshops, from direct action, skills to solar power, night navigation, tech security and more. Or just relax and enjoy the beautiful surroundings and let loose on the dance floor! 🪩🕺
🎲 There will be a kids’ space and programme too!
🌳 Do you want to share stories from the past three decades of EF! in the UK, offer a workshop, or help out with the kids’ space? Questions on accessibility, transport (there will be a shuttle service from Shrewsbury train station) or food? Get in touch! earthfirstuk@riseup.net
🔥 Bring your friends, comrades, energy and ideas, and please spread the word! 📢
🐕🦺🦮 If you NEED to bring a dog friend, please let us know beforehand. The camping fields at Crabapple are also a precious habitat for a diverse range of wildlife and so there is limited space for dogs – support dogs only! 🐕🦺🦮
For more info on accessibility, transport, vehicles, dogs, and more please check here.
Winter moot 2024
The schedule will be on display and you will be given a printed copy upon arrival. Spoiler alert – it looks amazing. Here is a sneak peek of some of the workshops we have lined up:
- Especifismo, learning from south america/Abya Yala
- Standing our ground: Westdown Quarry and UK extractivism
- Tech security
- The Police Act 2022 as enclosure: call to organise
- Reclaiming ancestry and ‘our-stories’ of resistance
- Biocentrism
and many more! We can’t wait!
Winter Moot Accessibility
We’ve written an access statement to provide more information about the moot and how we’re making it more accessible. Please have a read if you want a better idea of what to expect tinyurl.com/EFaccess24
If you have any accessibility requests, please email earthfirstuk@riseup.net or fill in this anonymous form tinyurl.com/EFwm24
A word on health
We are looking forward to seeing everyone soon for the 2024 EF! Winter Moot! We just wanted to put out a quick statement to give some updates and advice around keeping each other safe while we learn, discuss, and play together.
Attending the moot means you’ll likely be sleeping in a big communal area, and generally being in lots of close contact with lots of other people. Given the current rise in UK wide cases of bedbugs and scabies, we thought it would be worth reminding people to look out for it. If you think you have bedbugs or scabies, or there is a chance you’ve recently been exposed to them, please do not come to the moot!
Bedbug bites usual look like a bunch of raised bumps, normally pretty close together, and it is very itchy! They spread super easily and are really difficult to get rid of. Scabies usually starts off as itching in between your fingers, toes, or behind your knees, and you might then see some raised dots on your skin, with a small faint line leading up to them. It is also super infectious and the communal sleeping at the moot is a great environment for them to spread. If you think there is a chance you have either, please prioritise the safety and health of the community and don’t come! EF! has been happening every year since 1992, there will be plenty of other opportunities!
Lets keep each other safe and have a great weekend together!
Love from the EF! Gatherings collective
The 2024 winter moot will take place in… drumroll… the Sumac Centre in Nottingham, home of the legendary one and only Veggies collective!
You’re welcome to arrive from 3pm on Friday 9th of February, the first workshop will take place at 5pm, dinner at 7pm. On Sunday the last workshop finishes at 5.30pm, followed by cleaning up by those who are still around. Sleeping will be in a couple of communal areas – essentially indoor camping (without tents 🙂 ). It might be cold in February, so make sure to bring lots of warm things, as the floor is cold. The venue and sleeping spaces are wheelchair accessible.
If you have specific accessibility needs please get in touch with us (earthfirstuk [at] riseup.net). There is level access to the Sumac Centre, and a wheelchair accessible bathroom. More detailed information about accessing the Sumac Centre and the sleeping spaces will be made available as soon as we have it. We can provide alternative sleeping space if you need a bed and/or can’t sleep in communal areas, just get in touch as early as possible please.
There will be three meals a day (provided by veggies), snacks for sale, free tea and coffee – but it might be good to bring more bits and bobs if you know you might feel snacky in between meals. We ask everyone to leave a donation at the door if you can (cash only!), but noone will be turned away for lack of funds. We will ask people to do a Covid test at the door (because we are expecting some especially vulnerable people) and we will provide free masks.
Lastly, dogs. We love them, but we love them even more when they are not at the wintermoot. We’re afraid our furry friends will have to stay home this time, with the exception of assistant dogs. Sorry 🙁
Any other questions? Please email us! We look forward to a weekend of reflection, discussion, fun and inspiration! <3
We did it! We squatted the site of the proposed Whitehaven coal mine and held a week long gathering packed with inspiring discussions, delicious food, wonderful workshops, lots of sock wrestling and some spectacular sunsets. It was a week of radical ecological existence, bursting with love and burning with revolutionary spirit.
We want to send a message of gratitude to all those who supported and attended, especially those from the local community who contributed their curiosity and passionate expressions of support.
Of course not everyone welcomed us with open arms. We knew it would be a challenge squatting a site, already a focal point of a divided community who have historically experienced a lot of economic deprivation. We had a lot of intrigued local young people come and check us out, with all sort of interactions going on, some hilarious, some awkward and difficult, and some just plain beautiful.
One of the issues with so many visitors coming onto site was the difficulty in keeping on top of oppressive language and behaviour. Unfortunately this meant that some people had a pretty rough time of things, and we want to send huge love to our trans and people of colour comrades who bore the brunt of it.
The dynamics of oppression and social deprivation are complicated and we want to make clear that we don’t believe in any bullshit working class stereotypes. All communities are diverse in their attitudes and we certainly don’t blame young people for not being on-point with their anti-oppression politics. There was a lot of mutual learning going on and that’s something to celebrate.
We also had to deal with some difficult issues between attendees. Sadly, as a last resort after attempting other approaches, we had to ask someone to leave the gathering. It was related to an ongoing conflict rather than something that happened at the gathering and we did our best to support them and put the principles transformative justice into practice. Its hard work, but it is vital, and we are all learning together.
It wasn’t easy dealing with so much (with some nosey drones and dickhead bailifs thrown in for good measure), but people did an amazing job coming together and finding solutions collectively, demonstrating the power of non-hierarchical organising.
Overall we thought the gathering was a massive success, bringing people together and sending out a powerful message of defiance. We are trying to bring about revolutionary change in the world and its gonna be fucking messy – bring it on!
Summergathering 2023!
We squatted the site for this year’s EF! summer gathering! It’s the site of the proposed new coalmine in Whitehaven. Please come and join us, it’s beautiful and we need you!
Site phone number: 07592479185. Please call, don’t text!
Nearest train stations: Corkickle or Whitehaven
Telegram liftshare page (self-organised): https://t.me/+RbhnJUczz000YjM0
Car: A595, signed Whitehaven. Then turn R. (from N), or L. (from S), onto road signed: ‘St. Bees/Sandwith’ At B5345: turn L. onto St. Bees Road, then take first R. SatNav: CA28 9QJ
Precise location: https://w3w.co/guilty.polygraph.scale

The world is burning. More and more people are waking up to the reality we are faced with: we must end not just fossil fuels but also the capitalist system that places profit above planet and people.
West Cumbria Mining Ltd (WCM Ltd) want to extract 2.78 million tonnes of coking coal each year from Whitehaven, right up to 2049. The mine is proposed at the contaminated brownfield site of the former Marchon Chemical Works.WCM Ltd. claims the coal mine would be carbon neutral, but that’s a lie. The use of the coal from this coal mine (downstream emissions) is not counted in its emissions. The mine itself would directly release methane (a powerful greenhouse gas). WCM Ltd say it’d offset emissions, but even the offsetting company that WCM Ltd. said it would use is against its use in this project.
Some claim that mining coal in Cumbria means that coal is not imported, so lowering emissions relating to transporting the coal shorter distances. But this is coal for export and transporting it makes up a very small proportion of overall emissions from using coal. If this mine goes ahead, it wouldn’t reduce coal mining abroad, this coal would be extra to what’s already being mined around the world. Something the climate cannot tolerate.
Whitehaven and West Cumbria have a history of coal mining, with hundreds of workers dying in accidents in undersea mines. Where exactly those historic mines lie is unknown. It’s feared new mining will unsettle old workings and release toxins into the sea.
There are numerous groups and individuals campaigning against the proposed mine here. There is also a strong desire for more jobs in Whitehaven. The biggest local employer is Sellafield nuclear power station just down the coast. Local people have an attachment to the community and solidarity the coal mines used to provide. But there are better ways to create jobs through renewable energy, while more coal use worsens the climate and puts coastal and flood risk communities in jeopardy.
Hundreds of new houses are being built adjacent to the proposed site. The concrete pads on the former Marchon Chemical Works site seal in contamination from the former factory. To start work here would mean removing this contamination and driving it past the new houses, this may result in air borne toxins.
Check out https://www.coalaction.org.uk/west-cumbria-mine/ for more details on this application. The campaign to keep this, and all coal, underground has space for everyone and their talents. Get involved.
Together we can stop the proposed Whitehaven coal mine.
You’re all warmly invited to the one and only Earth First! summer gathering 2023! For this year’s gathering we have squatted the site of the new coal proposed coal mine in Whitehaven, Cumbria.
Site phone number: 07592479185
Nearest train stations: Corkickle or Whitehaven
Car: A595, signed Whitehaven. Then turn R. (from N), or L. (from S), onto road signed: ‘St. Bees/Sandwith’ At B5345: turn L. onto St. Bees Road, then take first R. SatNav: CA28 9QJ
Precise location: https://w3w.co/guilty.polygraph.scale
For workshop offers and questions about accessability and anything else – please email earthfirstuk (at) riseup.net!
More info here.
Wintermoot update
We squatted a beautiful big old building in South Manchester for the Wintermoot this weekend! There will be some heating, and we will do our best to make our temporary home comfy, but please make sure to bring warm clothes, sleeping bags and mats. Please bring a camping chair if you have one too, and a mug/plate/cutlery!
And please don’t forget to do a Covid test before you come, or take one at the entrance desk – we want to make this gathering accessible to people who are more vulnerable too. Solidarity!
For accessability request, please email us at earthfirstuk[at]riseup.net Are you already in Manchester and want to help out? Call us on 07424 703665
Address: 263 Wilmslow Rd, Rusholme, Manchester M14 5LN
Gateway opposite platt fields oark sign/closest to platt fields park bus stop A
53.4510866 – 2.2216731
You are warmly invited to join us at the 2023 Earth First! winter moot!
What on (middle) earth is a moot?!? The moot is a chance to get together during the cold winter months to warm our hearts and put fire in our bellies. It’s a time to reflect on what’s going on in the radical ecological movement and make plans for the year ahead. There will be workshops, tasty vegan food, some music and dancing, and very likely shit homebrew cider 😉
For new comers and old timers alike, it’s a space for anyone committed to taking aciton to defend nature. Join us!
The moot will take place in Manchester from 10-12 February. Everyone welcome from 4pm (get in touch if you want to come earlier to help set up), workshops start at 5pm. The last workshop will end at 5pm on Sunday. The workshop venue will be inside, heated. There will be sleeping space – just bring a mat and a sleeping bag! Workshops will cover everything from abolitionism, green anarchy, digital security, queer makeup, coal, and much more!
The exact location (in Manchester) will be announced that morning. It will be fuuuuuuun!
We will have a kids space and a vegan kitchen. We suggest a donation for food and camp of betwewen 225 and 50 pound for the weekend, but noone will be turned away for lack of funds. Questions? Email us at earthfirstuk[at]riseup.net
Bring your friends (can you fill up a mini bus?), and come up for a weekend of joy and green anarchy!
To protect each other, and especially those more vulnerable, please do a Covid test before coming up to Manchester. We will have some at the welcome desk too.
Love and rage!
What is Earth First!?
The general principles behind Earth First! are non-hierarchical organisation and the use of direct action to confront, stop and eventually reverse the forces that are responsible for the destruction of the Earth and its inhabitants. EF! is not a cohesive group or campaign, but a convenient banner for people who share similar philosophies to work under.
If you agree with the above and you are not racist, transphobic, or otherwise discriminatory, if you believe action speaks louder than words, then Earth First! is for you.
Love and rage!