12th February Aldermaston Blockade: Join us

THURSDAY 8 FEBRUARY – for immediate release
With the parliamentary vote on replacing the Trident nuclear submarine fleet expected in mid-March, and a national demonstration of mass opposition called for 24 February in London, anti-nuclear campaigners will return to AWE Aldermaston on 12 February.

THURSDAY 8 FEBRUARY – for immediate release
With the parliamentary vote on replacing the Trident nuclear submarine fleet expected in mid-March, and a national demonstration of mass opposition called for 24 February in London, anti-nuclear campaigners will return to AWE Aldermaston on 12 February.

Nonviolent direct action campaigners Block the Builders have called for a blockade of Britain’s nuclear bomb factory on the Monday morning in an attempt to obstruct construction work on new nuclear warhead facilities. For the past four years a massive investment programme has been in place at Aldermaston, in advance of any parliamentary decision on the future of Britain’s WMD.

In previous blockades, Block the Builders and their friends have closed roads around the nuclear weapons factory for between two and four hours. The group, which is opposed to the replacement of the UK’s nuclear weapons system, aims to stop vehicles entering the site to work on the Orion laser facility – which is being built in advance of any parliamentary decision on Trident’s future.

A spokesperson for Block the Builders said “In a week in which the defence secretary confirmed that the nuclear ‘deterrent’ is a political rather than military weapon, has he bothered to ask the British public how many people really want a new nuclear weapon? People have to let the government know what they think. This is a critical time to engage in practical and effective action, which is why we’ve called this blockade. We’d also urge anyone who can’t come to AWE, to express their opposition to their local MPs in advance of March’s parliamentary debate”.


Media representatives are invited to attend from 7am on 12/02
Suggested location for parking and locating spokesperson
Media contact tel no for the day is 07969 739 812

With the build-up to the national demonstration on 24 February and the forthcoming parliamentary debate, organisers are obviously expecting good participation in the this event.

The purpose of the blockade is

– to obstruct construction traffic entering the site
– to hinder operations at the site
– to signal outrage at the government’s position

Formed in 2004, Block the Builders is a nonviolent direct action group which has
been taking practical action to slow construction work AWE Aldermaston and at
the sites of companies with construction contracts with AWE.
This has taken the form of a monthly, publicly-announced blockade of AWE
Aldermaston, combined with unannounced actions at AWE and contractor sites, and
events in conjunction with other groups such as the recent Greenpeace/BtB mass
weapons inspection (27/11/06).

For reports of previous blockades, see http://www.aldermaston.net/news

nonviolent direct action against new nuclear weapons
Pledge *your* support at http://www.blockthebuilders.org.uk/pledge