1st April – Manchester Fossil Fools Parade! / London Protest circus for a coal Fossil Fool / Notts / Leamington Spa

We’ve all been fossil fooled and now…the Climate Circus is coming to Manchester….
Join the Fossil Fools Parade on April 1st
and take part in fun and games with some of our best known local Fossil Fools!

That’s right this event is all about congratulating our sponsors

Jester with spannerWe’ve all been fossil fooled and now…the Climate Circus is coming to Manchester….
Join the Fossil Fools Parade on April 1st
and take part in fun and games with some of our best known local Fossil Fools!

That’s right this event is all about congratulating our sponsors
RBS, Manchester Flight Centres, Petrol Stations, The City Council and other
experts in pollution, climate change and destruction of our global
eco systems.

The Parade will meet at 10.30am outside AMC cinema in Deansgate and
finish with a street party outside the Town Hall (by 12 pm).

Featuring music, madness and vegan cakes – lets make this a holiday at
home and encourage people to leave fossil fuels in the past.

Dress in suits, as clowns, come as a fossil fuel or a fossil fool but

Please circulate this invite widely!


Protest circus for a coal Fossil Fool (BERR, 1 Victoria Street, London, 8 am on 1 April 2008)

(please post far and wide)

1st April is set to pack a punch this year. Across the world April Fool’s Day is being marked by climate change activists as Fossil Fool’s Day, a day of action against the climate wrecking fossil fuel industry.

For those not able to take the many direct actions of the day, the London World Development Movement groups are co-ordinating a hilarious protest outside the Department for Enterprise Business and Regulatory Reform (or BERR) to laugh at the minister for business, John Hutton. John Hutton is currently set to make a right fool of the government’s climate policy if he signs off on EON’s new Kingsnorth power station.

Everyone’s welcome to join in the collective hilarity and to demand Hutton takes the Kingsnorth decision very seriously. There will be a real circus feel, with jugglers, clowns and acrobats, so don’t hesitate to bring juggling balls or wear your squeaky nose or silly hat.

Protest starts at 8am and will be over in time for you to be at work. Contact Rachel on 0207 8204900 for more information.

More information on the Kingsnorth campaign, see www.stopkingsnorth.org

More information on Fossil Fool’s day, see www.fossilfoolsday.org

Funeral for coal in Parliament square, London
Meet at 11 AM in Parliament Square

The People & Planet network invites you to join us at an action and
mass lobby. We will be building a coal power station complete with 12ft cooling towers in Westminster, while people dressed in Jesters hats and Gordon Brown masks will ‘burn’ a mock Climate Change Bill.

Contact james.lloyd@peopleandplanet.org for more information.

Public Apology on behalf of Porsche, London
Meet 7.15 AM, Bond Street tube station

Posing as protesting polar bears and penguins, greenwash window cleaners and concerned customers, help Porsche say sorry:
• “For being so pigheaded in pushing for a judicial review of the recent changes in the congestion charge. A bit rash we know! Sorry. But now that we think about it, the change does actually seem quite a good idea.”
• “And ok, you’ve got us, with a few of our mates, we have been doing our best to railroad EU plans to set binding emissions targets for gas guzzlers by 2012. Can’t blame us for having a go though can you…ok so you can. But look, we know it’s wrong”.
• “Oh, and last, but by no means least, we should stop claiming we’re ‘green’ while making incredibly polluting cars. So we’re pleased to announce a new concept model, taking the 4×4 into the 2×2 age.”

More info: e-mail thomas_fern@hotmail.com or call Richard on 0796 046 5594


Roll up, roll up! The climate circus is in town. Confronted with melting ice caps, unprecedented species extinction, droughts and extreme weather, climate change threatens our very survival. The fools at the head of the fossil fuel empire continue to plunder the earth, with the governments as willing court jesters at their side.

They would have us believe that we can escape climate change with techno-fixes, market mechanisms and offset schemes – all technocratic acrobatics that distract us from the truth: the only real solution to climate change is to keep fossil fuels in the ground.

On April 1st, 2008, we’re going to turn the tables and show them who the real fools are.

Nationally people will be targeting fossil fools – See the clowns investing in coal – The carbon offset contortionist or the oily strong man? joining with thousands around the world in taking one step closer to dismantling the fossil fuel industry.

In Nottingham we are going to take action on a local Fossil Fool. We are meeting at Market Square Tram Stop at 8am to head off together on a magical mystery tour to a climate clown near us.

Dress 4 Climate Chaos: Ski Hat, Bermuda Shorts and Wellies; Sombrero and Raincoat; Swimsuits and Woolens; Flipflops, Umbrellas and Sunglasses; whatever you think the weather may do today. Bring banners and placards against climate chaos and lets pull a prank that packs a punch



Rising Tide “Fossil Fools Day” “Fun Demo” Leamington Spa

Roll up, roll up! The climate circus is in town. Confronted with melting ice caps, unprecedented species extinction, droughts and extreme weather, climate change threatens our very survival. The fools at the head of the fossil fuel empire continue to plunder the earth, with the governments as willing court jesters at their side.

They would have us believe that we can escape climate change with techno-fixes, market mechanisms and offset schemes – all technocratic acrobatics that distract us from the truth: the only real solution to climate change is to keep fossil fuels in the ground.

On April 1st, 2008, we’re going to turn the tables and show them who the real fools are.


Assemble BATH PLACE COMMUNITY VENTURE, @ BATH PLACE, LEAMINGTON http://www.bathplace.org 12.00 for a 12.30 march around Leamington. Finishing at the TOWN HALL.

Please call 07782 299181 for any further information.