3 protesters arrested at supermaket blockade (for Welsh language)

Morrisons supermarket was blockaded by protesters and three members of the Welsh Language Society were arrested today (Saturday 27 January) as part of the continuing campaign for a law ensuring rights to use Welsh

Welsh supermarket blockadeMorrisons supermarket was blockaded by protesters and three members of the Welsh Language Society were arrested today (Saturday 27 January) as part of the continuing campaign for a law ensuring rights to use Welsh
Following a public meeting held in the High Street of Bangor, north Wales, attended by about 250 people a smaller group held a sit-down protest in the entrance to Morrisons supermarket. Despite previous protests and meetings between campaigners and the company’s head office in England, Morrisons have failed to provide a full bi-lingual service.

As eighty or so protesters sat down blocking the entrance a number of other Welsh Language Society members plastered posters on the doors announcing that the store was temporarily shut. Gwenno Teifi, Stiwart Edwards and Bethan Willams were later arrested for suspected criminal damage. were later arrested for suspected criminal damage.

Established in 1962 The Welsh Language Society (Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg) has been successful in winning a TV channel, education reforms and two changes in legislation providing limited rights ensuring government, local councils and official bodies make use of Welsh. However the Society constantly draw attention to examples such as Morrisons as typical of the private sector’s failure to provide bi-lingual services.

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