3 tonne boulders to sabotage fishing trawlers

Greenpeace are sinking 150 boulders, weighing up to three tonnes off the Danish/Swedish coasts to stop fishing trawlers operating in the area by ensnaring/damaging nets.

“Greenpeace has begun sinking boulders in EU-protected cod fishing grounds to prevent what it says are destructive forms of fishing in the area.

Greenpeace are sinking 150 boulders, weighing up to three tonnes off the Danish/Swedish coasts to stop fishing trawlers operating in the area by ensnaring/damaging nets.

“Greenpeace has begun sinking boulders in EU-protected cod fishing grounds to prevent what it says are destructive forms of fishing in the area.

The environmental group says it will drop 180 boulders off the Swedish and Danish coasts to prevent fishing boats from dragging nets along the sea bed.

Greenpeace says the bottom-trawling fishing method destroys both the sea bed and the marine environment.

Greenpeace spokesman Staffan Danielsson told AFP news agency that the granite boulders, weighing as much as three tonnes, would be sunk over the next week.

They would have “no negative impact on the environment”, he said.”

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/8194105.stm