4 anti-military activists from Spain poured gallons of red paint over themselves at Faslane

A group of 15 Spanish activists from five different areas of Spain, all belonging to the Spanish Consciencious Objection Movement, arrived at Faslane for the week-end. With banners, song and dance they protested at the UK’s possession and deployment of nuclear weapons.

Faslane red paint protest 2
Faslane red paint protest 3
Faslane red paint protest 1
A group of 15 Spanish activists from five different areas of Spain, all belonging to the Spanish Consciencious Objection Movement, arrived at Faslane for the week-end. With banners, song and dance they protested at the UK’s possession and deployment of nuclear weapons.

Last Thursday march 18th the British passed the updating of their nuclear arsenal, including the nuclear submarines nucleares with Trident missiles with more destructive power (12 nuclear heads) than the bombs
thrown over Hirosima and Nagasaki. The cost of this programe goes up to 30.000 millions of euros. These are real mass destruction weapons

In view of this, antimilitarist activists of diferent parts of the Spanish State have travelled to the military base where this submarines are located in Faslane (Scotland), to carry out an action of blockade.
This antimilitarist action is within the framework of a campaign that is taking place since last october. Up to now there have been 579 people from all ovr the world arreested in several actions of blockade. Also,
in front of the military base, there is a peace camp (Faslane Peace Camp) to demand the disarmament of the base and the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. This Peace Camp has been operating for 25 years.

AA-MOC has been working for years to build a world without wars where Armies and weapons -particulary if they are nuclear- have no place, a world where the huge military expenses (almost 18.000 millions of euros
in the Spanish State this year) are devoted to cover social necessities.

Today AA-MOC has bockaded the North gate of the Military Base of Faslane in Scotland. To do so, two women and two men from Salamanca, Madrid, Zaragoza and Alicante -supported by other activists of the State- have
poured red paint over themselves. The red colour symbolizes the suffering and the bloodshed that these weapons of mass destruction can cause. The paint has impeded the immediate detention of the activists.
Finally they have been arrested and moved to diferent police stations. They were released ten hours later without charges.

Telephone for interviews: (34) 609.469.599 ó (34) 696.343.586
To dowmload photos: http://www.box.net/shared/1d8sqy8gcy
Video: http://www.box.net/shared/m1om1e29pc
Further info (spanish): www.insumissia.org
