87 Ashley Road Eviction Happening NOW!! and Kebele’s 13th Birthday Party 28th November – invite

November 12, 2008
The inhabitants of 87 Ashley Road woke up this morning to a garden full of cops and bailliffs here to evict them from the house that is a home to around 15 people, and make them homeless.

Bristol squat rooftop occupationNovember 12, 2008
The inhabitants of 87 Ashley Road woke up this morning to a garden full of cops and bailliffs here to evict them from the house that is a home to around 15 people, and make them homeless.

As I arrived on the scene(around 10.30 am), Ashley Rd was cordoned off both sides of the house, and there was also police presence behind the house. The bailiffs were already in the building at this point, and all inhabitants had left, apart from 2 that managed to get onto the roof. They even called a helicopter in to ‘check that there were 2 people on the roof’ (I thought that’s what eyes were for!) As I was leaving to come and write this (12.30pm), 3 more heads popped up over the roof! Hopefully, by the time i’m back, that roof will see a number more occupying it. A bailiff apparently told one squatter, that there are plans to turn the building into offices – so not social housing for those in need at all!!

If you would like to come and support, or just know more about what is going on, please come along to 87 Ashley Rd. We won’t leave quietly while they’re making people homeless and turning our community into a business park!!


23:36 – 5 people still on roof

not much else to say, except they seem to be in good spirits, have plenty of people giving them support on the ground . we have our own mobile incident support unit on the scene. no police at the moment, but security with a couple of dogs inside the house.

be good if people could be their as early as they can tomorrow morning.


On Friday 28h of November Kebele Sound brings you:

The Destroyers – 15 strong Eastern European Folk Riot (http://www.thedestroyers.co.uk)

The Glitzy BagHags – Kitchen sink skiffle (http://www.myspace.com/glitzybaghags)

Circus of Invention – Jellybean Punk-Hop (http://www.myspace.com/circusofinvention)

DJs: Natty Bearface – Jungle/Dubstep
Black Rainbow – Global/Bass
B.O.C. – ska

plus late Anarcoustic Lounge with: Clayton Blizzard, Cosmo, Anarco Folko, and Bones at the Bottom of the Barrel

@ The Trinity Centre, 9pm-3am

Tickets £7 Available in advance for Kebele Infoshop, Saturdays 11am till 2pm

All proceeds to Kebele. Need some background?

For 13 years Kebele has provided a wide range of services, events and activities, and a place for people to meet, share ideas and organise for a better world. From squatted beginnings and resisted eviction to housing co-op, through to community co-op and volunteer-run anarchist social centre, it’s a long story with plenty of ups and downs along the way.

Most recently, there’s been revolutionary reorganising and renovations and we’re not finished yet…! There’s so much to learn from collectively organising and sustaining a street level community project without leaders or profit motives.

Our principles of equality, inclusion, shared responsibility, co-operation, solidarity, not for profit, and direct action remain at the heart of this autonomous space and we hope Kebele continues to help keep Bristol’s thriving counter culture alive and kicking.

Part of a wider, expanding network of social centres, Kebele aims to be a reflection of the world we want to see in our everyday actions and organising; a living, working example of what we’re told is unrealistic and impossible…

Do you have ideas for Kebele events or activities?
There’s lots of ways to get stuck in! Drop in and say hello!
For more info and a calendar of events see http://www.kebelecoop.org
Contact Kebele on 0117 9399469 or kebelesocialcentre@riseup.net
Kebele is at 14 Robertson Road, Easton. BS5 6JY.