McLibel: Human Rights Victory Anniversary Demo, Nottingham

To celebrate the McLibel Human Rights Victory Anniversary, there was a small demo on Thursday 15th February, 5pm – 6pm at Exchange Walk, Nottingham

To celebrate the McLibel Human Rights Victory Anniversary, there was a small demo on Thursday 15th February, 5pm – 6pm at Exchange Walk, Nottingham

The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg declared that the notorious and long running McLibel case was in breach of the right to a fair trial and right to freedom of expression, thereby voiding any solace that McNasty may have enjoyed from the trial.

The Court ruled that UK laws had failed to protect the public’s right to criticise massive corporations whose business practices can affect people’s lives, health and the environment.

Meanwhile after spending £10 million to suppress free speach, McDonalds find that the most widely distributed protest leaflet ever, continues to be distributed worldwide… I include a copy, for your interest!

As ever, when a protest is involved, there is a uniform nearby that has to get involved. Bless, they can’t help it, can they. This being a Community Protection Officer [half-a-constable] …. he had taken it upon himself to tell a student journalist that he couldn’t take pictures that included him! The student was attracted by the fact that someone had given the officer a leaflet and he was reading it.

Yet again, an officer abusing and exceeding his authority in intimidating people from doing something they are legally entitled to do, namely to take a photograph in a public place. I interceded pointing out that it was so allowed, and that he should leave him alone.

Meanwhile, it was a productive event, with many leaflets given out, and many folks interested in the issues being highlighted. Cheers to those that turned out on a cold and windy evening. Nice one!

Much more info at:

and if you want to know yet more about the alternatives ….. please contact:


McLibel Support Campaign. 5 Caledonian Rd, London N1
Ph: 020 7713 1269