Radley Lakes

The Oxford Mail reports that Anthony Bailey was arrested for possible trespass when being evicted from a camp where npower wish to destroy a wildlife site with sulphur rich power station ash. They also report that he has a broken arm.

The Oxford Mail reports that Anthony Bailey was arrested for possible trespass when being evicted from a camp where npower wish to destroy a wildlife site with sulphur rich power station ash. They also report that he has a broken arm.
Unreported are stories that he broke both arms in 2 places and nearly died in Abingdon police station. Details not known but apparently he was kept in an interview room for some 9 hours with nothing happening.
Also the police are reportedly guarding him in the John Radcliffe hospital and demanding the names of all his visitors.
The alleged trespass was in open/wooded ground near the lakes and not in any private house or building.