Bristol & Aberystwyth Upcoming Street Medic Trainings – 20th March & 28-30th

UK Action Medics have two upcoming “street medic” trainings.

One Day affinity group medic training:
Tuesday 20th March, 9.30am – 6pm,
@ Bristol University Students’ Union

2.5 Day street medic training:

UK Action Medics have two upcoming “street medic” trainings.

One Day affinity group medic training:
Tuesday 20th March, 9.30am – 6pm,
@ Bristol University Students’ Union

2.5 Day street medic training:
7pm – 9pm, Weds 28th March,
9.30am – 6pm, Thurs 29th
9.30am – 6pm, Fri 30th
@ Aberystwyth (email for location)

UK Action Medics is a network of activists who have a range of medical skills, from first aid to qualified doctors. We want to ensure that ourselves and others are trained in the unique areas of medicine in protest situations (eg. CS gas and the working conditions) in addition to standard first aid.

We have two upcoming trainings.
@ Bristol University, Students’ Union

This training will equip with basic first aid skills enabling you to look after yourself and your friends/comrades on actions/demos. These are skills which are also applicable in everyday life. The training includes role-plays where participants have the chance to practice skills under stress. It is also useful as a refresher if you have had previous first aid training/experience.

in Aberystwyth
What this course is and is not:

* This is a 24-hour street medic training. We will cover the majority of the basic information and skills you will need to provide first aid at protests and direct actions.

** the training includes: working with a buddy, primary and secondary assessment, checking for Danger, Response, Airways, Breathing,
Circulation, Disability and surrounding Environment (DR ABCDE). Spinal immobilisation, basic woundcare, burncare, splinting, carrying patients with fractures, treating victims of chemical weapons (CS gas & pepper spray) attacks, hot & cold injuries, etc.

* This will not make you ready for anything. This course is a foundation in first aid and some practice. More diverse and deeper skill comes with time and practice as well as continuing education in health care.

* One thing we do not teach is Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). CPR is a great and sometimes necessary skill. But we do not cover it
here due to time constraints. The British Heart Foundation offer free “Heartstart” courses, see

* This is NOT a certificate course. You will receive no certifications or licenses of any kind.

We don’t make any profit from the trainings, the cost goes towards paying for venue hire, travel expenses for trainers, photocopying handouts and materials used throughout the day. The costs below are a guideline, and nobody will be turned away through lack of funds.

The one day training will cost up to £10 per person (tbc), although it is likely to be lower.

The 2.5 day training will cost up to £20 per person.

I you would like to come to either training or have any questions, please drop me an email on: