Reclaim Power – 15min film version online

In the summer of 2006, 600 people set up a Camp for Climate Action in the shadow of one of the biggest C02 emitters in Europe: Drax coal-fired power station in Yorkshire / UK. With over one hundred workshops on a wide range of topics, the 10 day camp was a space of collective learning, sustainable living and taking direct action on the root causes of climate change. The gathering that showed practical low energy solutions in action, culminated in a day of protest and mass direct action in an attempt to shut down Drax.

In the summer of 2006, 600 people set up a Camp for Climate Action in the shadow of one of the biggest C02 emitters in Europe: Drax coal-fired power station in Yorkshire / UK. With over one hundred workshops on a wide range of topics, the 10 day camp was a space of collective learning, sustainable living and taking direct action on the root causes of climate change. The gathering that showed practical low energy solutions in action, culminated in a day of protest and mass direct action in an attempt to shut down Drax.

You can download this 15 min version of the film ‘Reclaim Power – voices from the camp for climate action’ here:

order the multilingual DVD 62 min + several extras – or this 15 min version in DVD quality here: or

More information about the camp 2007:

You are welcome to post or link up this 15 min clip on your websites. Please include a link to cine rebelde:〈=en