Climate Activist Glues Herself To The Front Door Of Leeds Bradford Airport

18th May: A woman climate activist blocked the entrance to Leeds/Bradford Airport today, by supergluing herself in front of the revolving door. The protest was against government’s failure to curb the growth in air travel, in spite of the fact that it is the fastest growing source of CO2 emissions from the United Kingdom.

18th May: A woman climate activist blocked the entrance to Leeds/Bradford Airport today, by supergluing herself in front of the revolving door. The protest was against government’s failure to curb the growth in air travel, in spite of the fact that it is the fastest growing source of CO2 emissions from the United Kingdom.

The activist handed the following statement to members of the public and airport staff:-

“This is a peaceful act of civil disobedience. It is my intention to disrupt the normal working of this airport because it is an environmental hazard. In so doing, I am standing up for the poorest of the world’s people, and for future generations, who will bear the brunt of climate chaos, caused by the affluent lifestyles and fossil fuel addiction of the rich.

The planned threefold increase in air flights is environmental lunacy. If runaway climate change is to be averted, global carbon emissions need to peak this decade, and decline rapidly thereafter. There is no way that this can be achieved without halting the explosion in air travel. Leeds/Bradford Airport is planning to expand to 8million flights a year, and if the public authorities refuse to curb this environmental menace, then responsible local citizens must act.


I am not a terrorist. The real terrorists are the people who are destroying the planet for profit.”

The activist was in position for about an hour, giving her plenty of opportunity to educate those going in and out of the airport. The police again showed a remarkable tolerance for the crimes of Leeds Bradford airport by arresting the activist and stopping her from performng this vital public service. What are they like?