Happy Birthday Camp Titnore! & Brecon pipeline camp news

CAMP Titnore in Worthing, West Sussex, has this weekend been celebrating its first anniversary.
And as well as celebrating the achievement of the last year, it is looking ahead by calling for more people to join the occupation and for solidarity action against the businesses threatening to destroy the countryside location.

CAMP Titnore in Worthing, West Sussex, has this weekend been celebrating its first anniversary.
And as well as celebrating the achievement of the last year, it is looking ahead by calling for more people to join the occupation and for solidarity action against the businesses threatening to destroy the countryside location.

It was at dawn on May 28 2006 that a determined group of environmentalists moved onto ancient woodland off Titnore Lane in Durrington, near Worthing, in protest at plans for an 875-home estate, massive Tesco superstore and new access roads.
After many years of local campaigning had failed to persuade Worthing Borough Council to oppose the development, they said direct action was now the only way they could continue the fight.
They didn’t really think the camp had any chance of lasting more than a few days, or weeks at the most. And when the landowners won possession in the High Court in London in August, everyone was braced for an eviction, but fortunately it didn’t happen.
The landowners, and potential developers, then thought they would play a waiting game and imagined that the protesters would all melt away, or freeze away, during the winter, but they didn’t.
The fact that the camp is still up and running is testament to the battling, never-say-die attitude of all those involved. But now there is a need for more people to lend a hand and get involved, to ensure that the camp is still there, resisting this development, in another year’s time.
* People are needed to go and stay at the camp, even just for a weekend.
* People are needed to spread the message, raise funds and form support groups.
* The call has gone out for non-violent direct action against firms involved in the scheme, such as Tesco, Heron Group, Bryant Homes/Taylor Woodrow and Persimmon Homes.
More information can be found online at www.protectourwoodland.co.uk, www.southcoast.indymedia.org.uk and www.eco-action.org/porkbolter. Contact the camp on 07913 534083. For tips on DIY campaigning go to www.schnews.org.uk/diyguide


National Grid start the eviction process at Brecon.

National Grid paid a visit to the protest camp yesterday afternoon with a notice to leave the site.

National Grid have given the Brecon protest camp a landowners notice to leave the site immediately. They now need to take the camp to court to be able to serve them with a proper eviction notice which will then allow the camp to be removed by the police eviction teams.

More people are needed at the camp to get it ready for when the time comes as this is now the beginning of the last big push to the eviction.

Being on site for even a few hours is helpful, everything needs doing from cooking/washing up to building projects. Even if you can’t make it to the site there is still a huge amount to be done, email us if you need more info.
