The Basement Social Centre (Manchester) needs you! Workday 2nd June…

After the fire on Lever Street, the Basement Social Centre is in need of urgent help.

Greetings dear friends and comrades

***please forward this message to anyone who may be interested and / or able to help***

After the fire on Lever Street, the Basement Social Centre is in need of urgent help.

Greetings dear friends and comrades

***please forward this message to anyone who may be interested and / or able to help***

Some bad news I’m afraid. Although The Basement is structurally sound and in good spirits the fire damage sustained by the rest of 24 Lever Street was much more severe than we were originally told. Most significantly the top two floors were gutted by fire and office above us was waterlogged. Their floorboards (ie our ceiling) needs totally replacing.

All tenants of the building have been instructed to vacate the premises as soon as possible for health and safety reasons whilst renovation is completed. Hence the collective clean-up operation is now more of a box up and get out…

We urgently need the following:

• Storage space – can you fit some of our treasures in your attic / cellar / shed / living room etc?
• People to help us pack up and move during the next week or so
• Empty boxes, access to vans, tools for removing fittings, torches and headlamps for working with etc
would also all be handy
• If you have any items stored in the basement please get in touch as soon as possible and arrange
collection of them

NB we have had a new shutter fitted for security reasons so please check someone is about to unlock
before making a journey

If you can help please
• ring / text the NEW BASEMENT MOBILE on 07925 771017 or
• email
• come to the General Meeting this Thursday 31 May 7pm at The Town Hall Tavern Tib Lane,

WE WILL BE BACK – but the timeline is a little blurry.
It’s likely to be a few (possibly 4ish) months. We will of course update you as soon as we know anything.

Our apologies to everyone who is inconvenienced by our enforced temporary closure – we will strive to open again as soon as we can.

In the meantime, thanks as ever to all who have shown solidarity, love and practical support, we will return as soon as possible in a stronger and more glorious phoenix style

PS please also get in touch or come along on thursday if you’re interested in some subversive basement
shenanigans during the ear to the ground gig this sunday.


Urgent Basement Workday Tomorrow

workday from 12 noon, saturday 2nd june at the basement

sadly the basement social centre is going to be shut for 4ish months due to the state of the building above us. We need to get everything out as soon as possible…

we urgently need:
O cars and vans to help transport stuff
O places to store things (attics, cellars, spare rooms etc)
O people to help pack and move
O boxes!!!

if you can help with any of the above please call the basement mobile 07925771017
email or pop down to 24 lever street on saturday afternoon and get stuck in

over the summer we will also need help fundraising and plotting to make sure our phoenix like resurrection is truly splendid…. watch out for details….

love and industrial packing tape

the basement collective

*******please forward shamelessly to anyone who might be able to help******