Cardiff- Brecon anti- pipeline camp court hearing

A number of the activists who have been living in a tree camp near Breacon, Wales, attended a court hearing in Cardiff today to fight the possession order threatening to close the camp.

LNG court hearing7.06.2007
A number of the activists who have been living in a tree camp near Breacon, Wales, attended a court hearing in Cardiff today to fight the possession order threatening to close the camp.
Activists from Cardiff Rising Tide and Cardiff Anarchists attended to show support and give out information about the massive pipeline making its way through the south wales countryside and how wider political agendas pushed by the G8 are destroying the environment.

Unfortunately, after about an hour and a half in the court, the possession order was granted with immediate effect. An injunction was also put in place against any interferance with equipment used in the construction of the pipe and against any protest within a certain distance of the pipe (anyone got more specific details than that?).

A number of police officers were also in attendance, filming and photographing anyone in the vicinity of the court “to ensure that an unbiased record” of the event is obtained, said PC GoodCop. Obviously, its very important to get hours of footage of activists sitting on a wall, smoking fags and waiting quietly outside the court. Ridic!

Solidarity with anti-pipeline protestors. Fight the pipe!