Undead support campaign against Spanish oil multinational

Last Thursday 14th June in Asturias, Northern Spain I was present at an action where a Zombie Collective came back from the dead to support La Campana Asturiana e Contra el Expolio de las Petroleras and other Spanish solidarity organisations by staging a series of die-ins in a garage forecourt and elsewhere around the city of Gijon.

Last Thursday 14th June in Asturias, Northern Spain I was present at an action where a Zombie Collective came back from the dead to support La Campana Asturiana e Contra el Expolio de las Petroleras and other Spanish solidarity organisations by staging a series of die-ins in a garage forecourt and elsewhere around the city of Gijon.

The action was to draw attention to the actions of Spanish based oil multi-national Repsol who are responsible for population displacement, militarization, violence and murder in several South American countries, most notably Colombia, where they operate clandestinely.
Publicity at the action told of El Tribunal Permanente de los Pueblos (Permanent Tribune of the People) that is described as an international organisation, looking for truth, justice and reparation for the victims of oil companies Repsol, British Petroleum and Occidental Petroleum in Colombia. It operates outside official judicial structures of any country and represents the ethical conscience of the people and humanity. The TPP is holding a judgement on these companies in Bogota in August this year. There is also a preliminary meeting to this in Madrid in June.

One of the Zombies said:
“ We are here in solidarity with all those who have died as a result of Repsol’s actions in Colombia. We are also here because we wish to make you, the Living aware of how so many of the organisations, institutions and systems that you cling to are in fact corpses themselves. From the Other Side we have a clearer picture than you and we see that though you trick yourselves into believing otherwise, your courts, your governments, your businesses in so many cases serve only Death. You cling to them because you are afraid to let go and allow new systems that can truly serve you and Life to grow. Always something has to die for the new to be born. Many of you hold a new world in your hearts but it cannot be born while you hold on to the rotting corpse of the old. Let it go, grieve it if you must but its time is past and it serves you no longer.”

I asked for clarification but the undead companera declined to elaborate. Perhaps she was referring to social movements where people seem to be moving away from trying to change the behaviour of governments to learning how to govern themselves and build the world they want….?

Related Link: http://www.repsolmata.ourproject.org