Out Now! Toolkit for Climate Action

Just in time for the 2007 Climate Camp – the Toolkit for Climate Action is now ready. With this toolkit we hope to inspire you to take action – at home, at school, at work, in your community. The toolkit has been put together by the Network for Climate Action, which is has grown out of and is associated with the Climate Camp.

Network for Climate Action logoJust in time for the 2007 Climate Camp – the Toolkit for Climate Action is now ready. With this toolkit we hope to inspire you to take action – at home, at school, at work, in your community. The toolkit has been put together by the Network for Climate Action, which is has grown out of and is associated with the Climate Camp.

The toolkit contains masses of useful information related to climate chaos including:
*useful contacts, *action resources, *group working, *outreach ideas, *images and graphics, *press and media, *facts and science, *positive alternatives, *flyers and posters, *films and music

You can look at it on the web:


It’s also available as a pack containing a DVD with all the resources on it, printed guides on direct action, legal issues, media and publicity, plus a contact list for people involved in climate action.

Pick up your pack at the Big Green Gathering or the Climate Camp.

Or if you can’t wait or aren’t going there, we can post one to you.

Donations would be great too!
Contact Details

We’d like the resource website grow and maybe we’ll even put out a second paper edition. If you are up for helping get in touch! Let us know you have any useful climate related resources that should be on it.

The pack’s been put together by just a few people and it was lots and lots of work – which means that some of it may not be as great as it could be. It’d be really good to get your comments and offers of help to improve it.
