Free Julio! No more dams!

Julio Villanueva, member of the group Solidari@s con Itoiz, was arrested on August 17th in Iruñea-Pamplona. He was arrested by the local police ant imprisoned next morning.

Julio Villanueva, member of the group Solidari@s con Itoiz, was arrested on August 17th in Iruñea-Pamplona. He was arrested by the local police ant imprisoned next morning.

Villanueva is one of the eight activists that in April 1996 stopped the construction works of Itoiz dam by cutting the cables on the concrete transporter. The eight solidarios were sentenced to 4 years and 10 months in prison for the sabotage. Two of them have already served the jail sentences passed on them. So Villanueva is the third member of Solidar@s con Itoiz imrisoned for the direct action against Itoiz reservoir. He’s been untiil now in clandestinity like the rest of the remaining six, something which we can consider a huge punishment too.

Support actions

On August 18th about one hundred people gathered outside the prison of Pamplona-Iruñea to protest against the inprisonment of Julio Villanueva. Two days later another gathering of support for Julio took place in front of the jail. Solidari@s con Itoiz urges citizens to join another protest to demand freedom for Julio next Monday, August 27th, at 7 pm in the same place.

You can also support Julio by sending him messages:

Julio Villanueva

Prisión de Pamplona-Iruñea

Calle San Roque s/n

Apdo. 250


More earthquakes caused by Itoiz reservoir water storage

Earthquakes caused by the Itoiz reservoir water storage have not ceased in last months. In fact, they have increased in number ( 1.200 earthquakes since summer 2004, when they started filling up the reservoir) and in the same way they are increasing the danger of an inminent catastrophe at Itoiz. As the earthquake map shows, more and more seismic events are having epicentre in the very same Itoiz reservoir, which increases seriously the risk of landslides into the reservoir, endangering thousands of people´s lives. More details available at:

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Solidari@s con Itoiz