Manchester Temporary Autonomous Arts Exhibition, Events & Festival of street art and creative subversion

Following the success of last years extravaganza in Manchester’s Northern quarter….it’s happening again!

Manchester Temporary Autonomous Arts flierFollowing the success of last years extravaganza in Manchester’s Northern quarter….it’s happening again!
The 2nd annual Temporary Autonomous Arts festival in Manchester 24-28th October 2007.

Once again Manchester is joining the tide of collective groups coming together to create a cultural, interactive autonomous space where people are free to be, free to create and free to express themselves.

Reclaiming space that has no other immediate purpose, we will be repairing, making safe and improving the building we use before transforming it into a vibrant, organic, techno artistic statement. Artists, musicians, writers and performers who otherwise would have no outlet, are invited to display their work uninhibited by the normal constraints placed on the current artistic climate. The space will be used respectfully and intelligently, for genuine community developement, creating fields of opportunity for a future at no cost or harm to anyone else.

We want to exhibit all forms of artwork; drawings, paintings, sculptures big and small, photography, installations and more. Showcasing poets and vocalists, films and performance, words and concepts born out of the free party underground movement. These spaces of reclaimed freedom have been making a significant contribution to an alternative art world and we want to bring it back to Manchester!

Wednesday 24th October

Come help us create the space. All artist and creators are invited to contribute and see the space morph through the day into an overall work of art. This will lead into an evening of visuals and film.

Thursday 25th October

A day of skillsharing and a celebration of D.I.Y culture.

If you would like to share a skill at the D.I.Y Day please get in touch ASAP.

Evening: This will hopefully lead to a performance by the jam session musicians and improv DIY music (bring instruments!)

Friday 26th October

Healing day, alternative therapies and relaxation space from Noon til 7pm

If you would like to run a healing workshop or offer massage or alternative therapies please email us. A full listing of what’s on offer will be here soon

Bicycle Art Parade 6pm Central Library, ending at TAA

It will not only be an amazing bike ride to celebrate the bicycle, to meet other cyclists, to have an excuse to ride around, to feel part of a bike gang, to have a fun evening etc etc.but!this month it will also be Manchester’s FIRST EVER Bicycle Art Parade! So dress up your bike in tinsel or glitter or make it look like a dragon or a fly…whatever..lets get creative!!!!

the last few months have seen around 120 cyclists on critical mass, lets make this one even bigger

Made in Lancashire

A night of celebration of Lancashire! Wi’ hot pot, fancy dress and country dancin’. From 9pm to midnight

Saturday 27th October

Workshops for all throughout the day and including permaculture, truth poets

and from 7.30pm onwards the super fantastic TAA Cabaret open for anyone to take part with unique acts and performance.

If you have any skill shares, workshops or activities you would like to do in the space please email us and we will add it to the time table.

Street Blitz

From 14-28 October 2007 we are hosting Manchester’s first ever Street Blitz, the two week festival of street art and creative subversion.

During the proposed two weeks we want you to use Manchester as an open gallery. There is a map of the city primed and ready for Blitzers to post their activities, no matter how big or small, onto a map overlay.

Install your art or anything which changes the perspective on our city then get online and post it onto the empty map on the Street Blitz website at You can add a description and any photos of your work. There will also be room for comments on each placemark which can also be used to tell us if the artwork is still there or if the miserly bureaucrats got there first.

Leave your mark!