Samhain bagpipe gathering at Tara, plus action days 31st October -5th November

Samhain Bagpipe Gathering
Feis-Teamhrach (The Great Feast of Tara)

Come celebrate the Celtic New Year at Tara

Samhain Bagpipe Gathering
Feis-Teamhrach (The Great Feast of Tara)

Come celebrate the Celtic New Year at Tara
Hill of Tara, near Navan, co Meath, Ireland.

Relighting the Ancient Beacon fires & Samhain Shindig

Bring your feasting food that you want to eat and share

Wed Oct 31st Lighting Taras 7 Beacons And Feast
Thurs 1st/Fri 2nd Nov DAYS OF ACTION
Sat Nov 3rd Fire, Music and Banquet
Mon 5th (and every Mon) direct action Route walk.

Vigil camp 00353 861 758557 Action camp 00353 861 537146

Calling all musicians, bards, performers & poets
Bring your flutes, whistles, drums and voices to the Halls of Tara. Big call out to all
BAGPIPE players to gather on the Wed and Sat.
Calling all People to join in the Defense of TARA
Act now to preserve this world heritage site!

Fliers/posters to download at

For directions to Tara check the websites below