Shell Targeted across Edinburgh

11 Nov 2007
In solidarity with the people of Rossport and Nigeria, the Shell petrol station on Dalry Road was blockaded for 2 hours on Saturday by 20 people including members of the Clown Army. The Comiston Shell Petrol Station was subjected to a nighttime redecoration.

Shell Edinburgh blockade11 Nov 2007
In solidarity with the people of Rossport and Nigeria, the Shell petrol station on Dalry Road was blockaded for 2 hours on Saturday by 20 people including members of the Clown Army. The Comiston Shell Petrol Station was subjected to a nighttime redecoration.
‘From Oganiland to Rossport’ was the message of anti-Shell protesters blockading Shell
Petrol Station in Dalry Road, Edinburgh, this morning (Saturday 10 November).

The group of around twenty protesters shut off the petrol station by blocking entrances and hoisting signs. The protesters aimed to educate and entertain those prevented
from accessing the station, bringing with them an array of musical instruments and games
as well as information about Shell.

An activist explained. ‘This action is not only a protest against Shell’s atrocious environmental record in the Niger Delta and Rossport, County Mayo, but also a gesture of solidarity with those who have already suffered so much at the hands of Shell. Today marks the twelfth anniversary of the death of Ken Saro-Wiwa who was executed by the
Nigerian government for his attempts to protect the lands of his people, the Ogani community. In addition this time last year the Irish Garda police baton charged a peaceful blockade of the Shell refinery in Rossport, injuring unarmed members of the Rossport community who were peacefully trying to protect their homes from commercial exploitation. We stand in support of these brave people and aim to draw attention to the worldwide issue of Shell’s violation of both human rights and the health of our planet in
pursuit of profit’

Also attending the blockade was a gaggle of clowns from the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army, who brought a sense of comic festivity to the otherwise somber anniversary.

Sergeant Toast explained: ‘We clowns represent the sane in an insane world, where the profit of multinational companies comes before the rights and lives of communities. Even the likes of Shell and their actions in the world cannot quell our sense of the joyousness and beauty of life and our determination to replace these commercial values
with out own-those of playfulness, freedom and love. Join the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel
Clown Army and help us protect our world and freedoms!’

The Rossport community of County Mayo, Ireland, have since 2000 waged an ongoing resistance to the attempts of Shell to turn their coast-land into the site of a toxic refinery with a high pressure gas pipeline which will cut through the community, in same cases running just 70metres from peoples homes. The ‘Rossport 5’-farmers who refused to
obey a compulsory purchase order to seize their land-were imprisoned in 2005, and their
efforts are supported by the whole community, worthy of nation wide and international
support for the struggle they are bravely maintaining. (,

Nigeria-On November 10th 1995 Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight Ogoni colleagues were executed by the Nigerian state for campaigning against the devastation of the Niger Delta by oil companies, especially Shell and Chevron. (

In an unrelated incident the Shell petrol station at Comiston was targeted in a night time attack. Messages were spray painted, locks were glued and the petrol pump dials rendered unreadable. (see