New Norwich Social Centre! Events update

The Where Will It Be Collective (WWIB) announce the opening of a social centre in a squatted building in Norwich city centre. Come and visit! Here’s the press release:

Where Will It Be? posterThe Where Will It Be Collective (WWIB) announce the opening of a social centre in a squatted building in Norwich city centre. Come and visit! Here’s the press release:

Press release
For immediate release 17 November 2007

Collective squats city centre building

A group calling itself the “Where Will It Be Collective” (WWIB) has announced the opening of a social centre in a squatted building in Norwich city centre. The Duke Street building is open for art exhibitions, music, workshops and many other activities.

The squatters, who have been advertising events under the slogan “Where Will It Be?” have announced that their occupation is protected under the 1977 Housing Act and have decorated the building with giant banners.

The Collective has made the following statement about their aims and intentions:

“The WWIB Collective hopes to create a place where anything can and will happen. We will run art shows, music events, a free shop and workshops on everything from climate change to bicycle repair.

“The Collective is creating a place that is truly free and truly democratic. It is free from corporate profits and authority. At a time when much of our city is dominated by expensive, commercial venues and chain stores, we want to show what can happen when people are given the space to entertain themselves.

“We are democratic in that we operate without leaders or committees – allowing all comers a say in what happens and how the centre operates.”

The Collective stated that it warmly welcomes visitors with refreshments by donation and will be promoting its events over the next few weeks.

Notes to editors
Further information on the Where Will It Be Collective and their events can be found at, or by phoning 07944874393

The Where Will It Be Collective operates with a full equal opportunities policy and is actively opposed to any form of discrimination. The Collective is not affiliated to any political party.

* We now have a name! I am proud to formally announce the existence of Section Six Social Centre.

* On Saturday we held our inaugural gig, a well-attended and extremely convivial evening of acoustic music featuring Paul Gill and Sam Choi, Spidermilk and Twisted Routes. The evening was made a little more stressful than necessary by kids breaking stuff in an adjacent building and the police trying to hold us responsible and gain entry, but we managed to calm them down and have a great evening.

* On Sunday evening and Monday morning workmen and security from Dardan Security announced their intention to board up the front door, thereby preventing several people including three young children from exiting the building. Thankfully on both occasions the police were eventually persuaded that entombment of living people had potentially embarrassing legal consequences and asked them to stop working.

* Come and visit! We could really do with more people to help out and keep the rota staffed, especially during these early days of security paranoia.


Thursday November 22nd, 4pm: Bike maintenance / repair workshop followed by bike related films New York Critical Mass and Belleville Rendezvous.

Friday November 23rd, 8pm: ’80s disco featuring the PortaParty.

Saturday November 24th, 8pm: Live bands Fletch Cadillac, Stem Cells, Skatabrain (tbc) +Ska DJ (tbc) + more (tbc)

Monday November 26th: Climate Change evening, including a showing of the environmental documentary “The Planet”.

Coming soon (we hope…):

* More gigs
* Capoeira