Buy Nothing Day – 24th November 2007 – Steal Something Day

The last Saturday of November sees International Buy Nothing Day taking place in many corners of the globe; particularly the affluent corners!

Steal Something Day
The last Saturday of November sees International Buy Nothing Day taking place in many corners of the globe; particularly the affluent corners!

This year Buy Nothing Day will be marked in Birmingham city centre by a number of activities aimed at raising the profile of a range of aspects associated with mass consumerism.

Several groups will be putting together Buy Nothing Day themed stalls, displays and events, including a Santa Claus parade, Free Shops, Free Food, Bicycle-powered Free Drinks and (free) Music.

If you have anything to give away for free, be it possessions, ideas or skills then leave your money at home and get outside to enjoy a consumption free day.
Buy Nothing Day aims to challenge consumer lifestyles on environmental, human rights and political grounds, but if you have other reasons to “Stop Shopping” then Saturday 24th would be an ideal time to tell the world about them.

Come down to the peace gardens in manchester at 11 am. There will be a free stall and loads of info and music etc. Rhythms of Resistance band have organised this plus a couple of small tables and a website for free things – all additions welcome. .In the afternoon other things are planned for after the Karen Reissman demo so it would be great to see you all anytime from eleven.

Any free stuff or info about free events or people wanting to do mini workshops would be very welcome.

Saturday 24th November. Get stuff you want for free! Give your old stuff away!
Don’t throw away things that could be useful to others…freecycle them! Bring things to give away, and pick up something for yourself or for Christmas gifts…for free!
10.30am to 12.30pm The Southville Centre, Beauley Road, Bristol BS3 1QG.
Event organised by Transition Bristol & Freecycle Ashton Bedminster & Southville
This event coincides with National Buy Nothing Day

Bristol Buy Nothing Day undead posterBristol Buy Nothing Day undead 1
Buy Nothing Day: Consumer Zombie Flashmob

Broadmead (junction of Merchant St and Broadmead), Bristol, 2pm, Saturday 24th November

This November, environmentalists, social activists and concerned citizens in as many as 65 countries will hit the streets for a 24-hour consumer fast in celebration of the 15th annual Buy Nothing Day.

Featured in recent years by the likes of CNN, MSNBC, Wired, the BBC, USA Today, The Age and the CBC, the international event has been gaining mainstream momentum as the climate crisis drives average people to seek out greener alternatives to unrestrained consumption.

Timed to coincide with one of the busiest shopping days on the retail calendar, as well as the unofficial start of the international holiday-shopping season, Buy Nothing Day has taken many shapes, from relaxed family outings, to free, non-commercial street parties, to politically charged public protests. Anyone can take part provided they spend a day without spending.

In past years, street activists have proven particularly imaginative in their celebrations, bringing zombie marches, credit-card cut-ups, and shopaholic clinics to malls and public squares in an effort to expose the environmental and social consequences of First World over-consumption.

Kalle Lasn is the co-founder of the Adbusters Media Foundation, the organization responsible for launching Buy Nothing Day as a yearly, global event. He explains that while most participants used to see the day simply as an escape from the marketing mind games and frantic consumerism that have come to characterize modern life, the focus has since shifted in light of the new political mood surrounding climate change.

“So much emphasis,” he notes, “has been placed on buying carbon offsets and compact fluorescent lightbulbs and hybrid cars that we are losing sight of the core cause of our environmental problems: we consume far too much.”

“Buy Nothing Day isn’t just about changing your routine for one day. It’s about starting a lasting lifestyle commitment. With over six billion people on the planet, it is the responsibility of the most affluent – the upper 20% that consumes 80% of the world’s resources – to set out on a new path.”

Last year, Bristol University and UWE People and Planet activists worked together to create a performative and creative way to celebrate Buy Nothing Day, bringing the undead to the streets of broadmead to parody the way in which first world over consumption is unquestioningly marching towards ecological and social disaster.

This year on November 24th join the zombie consumers as they stagger and stumble around Bristol’s soulless retail district in an attempt to make people think about their consumer habits in an entertaining and enjoyable way.

Rumours abound of possible undead orchestras and ghoulish circus performers…

But as is the case with any flashmob… no one quite knows what will happen until it emerges and self-organises itself into existence.

For videos documenting last year’s BND actions check out

Steal Something Day for the original call-out and critique of Buy Nothing Day