Saving Iceland Update 2008 – Mini-gathering – Friday 22nd February 2008, Sumac Centre, Nottingham

Saving Iceland Update 2008

A day of talks and film showings to pass on information about the on-going international campaign and the current situation in Iceland

Friday 22nd February 2008, Sumac Centre, Nottingham

Saving Iceland Update 2008

A day of talks and film showings to pass on information about the on-going international campaign and the current situation in Iceland

Friday 22nd February 2008, Sumac Centre, Nottingham

The event is aimed at:
Activists who have been involved with Saving Iceland in the past, have parted company for whatever reason, but would like to know what’s happening now
UK-based Saving Iceland activists who were unable to make it to the recent organising gatherings abroad and would like an update
People who are new to the issue but are interested to find out about this great ecological threat to our relatively local wilderness.
Anyone with questions about the campaign

Please book in advance (email, subject heading “UK mini-gathering”) so we have some idea of catering requirements, and let us know if you need accommodation. We will be asking for a small donation to cover costs of food and venue.

We will start at 10 a.m. with an introduction to the issues. If you already know the basics, aim to arrive by 11a.m.

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