Whalers Hand Activists Over To Australia’s Ship

17th January: the activists — Australian Benjamin Potts, 28, and Briton Giles Lane, 35 — were detained Tuesday after boarding the harpoon ship to protest Japan’s whaling programme. They were handed over to Austrialia’s ‘Ocean Viking’ earlier today.

Operation Migaloo (Sea Shepherd)
Steve Irwin Sea Shepherd boat & helicopter
17th January: the activists — Australian Benjamin Potts, 28, and Briton Giles Lane, 35 — were detained Tuesday after boarding the harpoon ship to protest Japan’s whaling programme. They were handed over to Austrialia’s ‘Ocean Viking’ earlier today.

A Japanese whaling ship late Thursday handed over to an Australian customs vessel two anti-whaling activists who climbed aboard two days earlier, an official from Japan’s Fisheries Agency said.

Australia sent the customs ship, the Oceanic Viking, to the Japanese whaling ship in a bid to end the stand-off involving the activists of the militant Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.

“Two Sea Shepherd activists who intruded onto the Yushin Maru No 2 and have been in custody on the ship were handed over to the Oceanic Viking chartered by the Australian government,” Hideaki Okada, a whaling official at the Fisheries Agency in Tokyo, told AFP early Friday.

More at http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5gzy-7LzEluJCEYZWmJXa_MiYpOcQ and http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/7193212.stm

Hopefully they will be returned back to Sea Shepherd’s ‘Steve Irwin’ very soon, that is the plan.

Back to destroying whaling…

Sea Shepherd pirates
Antarctic Whale Defense Campaign
Operation Migaloo 07-08

For more details, see http://www.seashepherd.org/migaloo/index.html