Tasmanian forest defenders halt logging in the Styx Valley

Yesterday morning, forest activists from Still Wild Still Threatened halted logging in coupe SX10F in the Styx Valley, to highlight the ongoing devastation of Tasmania’s World Heritage valued forests. This coupe has gained an international profile over the past few years as an iconic example of Tasmania’s unique old growth forests.

Styx banners action2007-12-11
Yesterday morning, forest activists from Still Wild Still Threatened halted logging in coupe SX10F in the Styx Valley, to highlight the ongoing devastation of Tasmania’s World Heritage valued forests. This coupe has gained an international profile over the past few years as an iconic example of Tasmania’s unique old growth forests.

“This pristine tract of ancient forest, located within 1.5km of the World Heritage boundary, is of outstanding conservation value and has been visited by thousands of people. Right now, bulldozers and chainsaws are ripping apart this irreplaceable ecosystem” said Still Wild Still Threatened spokesperson Ula Majewski.

“We are calling on the federal Labor Government to honour their international environmental commitments and put an immediate halt to this senseless devastation of some of Australia’s most outstanding natural heritage” said Still Wild Still Threatened spokesperson Jess Wright.

“Here we have yet another example of a unique forest being decimated in order to further the interests of greedy woodchip barons and corrupt politicians. As world leaders gather in Bali to discuss the climate emergency, the island’s most significant carbon sinks are being destroyed, rendering Tasmania an international disgrace” said Ms Majewski.