Friday 11th jan 08 Soldier Hill & the next Friday actions

Another successful day as the campaign continues, activists occupied one of the last remaining tree’s on the route from 6.30am onwards on the compulsory purchase line at soldier hill.

Solders Hill last treeAnother successful day as the campaign continues, activists occupied one of the last remaining tree’s on the route from 6.30am onwards on the compulsory purchase line at soldier hill.

Friday 11th jan 08

Two of them hung a banner from the tree in an attempt to make it clear that the protest will be continuing for the foreseeable future, whilst others on the ground hung more banners in order to raise awareness of our continuing defiance of this corrupt and crooked route. activists were overjoyed at the overwhelming support from members of the public, and local media coverage.

As the new year begins we are witnessing more activity from local and international activists all boldly defending our cultural heritage and natural resources.

Report just in, 4.30pm, A concerned member of the public has just informed us that SIAC workers have been spotted moving toward’s the tree with chainsaws, we need more people to attend the ongoing protest at soldier hill each friday so we can halt the increasing destruction of this sacred landscape once and for all.


Please attend demo Fri 3pm Soldier@ Hill. You will see us there. We will be the ones with the banners !
Save Tara banner
Friday 18th action report:

The high winds and rain did not dampen our spirits at Soldier’s Hill today. In fact it all helped to add to the laughter as we tried not to set sail with our banners 🙂

Thanks to all who beeped their support.