Privatisation planning barbed wire destroyed (Athens, 11/11/2007)

After an open assembly of the district residents, with an attendance of more than 300 persons, that focused on the matters of the privatisation of the Filopappou hills, the tresspassing, the fences and the commercialisation of the area (check out the sources for more information), it was decided that the fences and wires should be brought down by the residents theirselves, as it was realised despite the police presence.

Filopappou demoFilopappou fence downedFilopappou gate pushed downAfter an open assembly of the district residents, with an attendance of more than 300 persons, that focused on the matters of the privatisation of the Filopappou hills, the tresspassing, the fences and the commercialisation of the area (check out the sources for more information), it was decided that the fences and wires should be brought down by the residents theirselves, as it was realised despite the police presence.

Sources (Greek only) – photos: