Update from Rozbrat Polish squat

Rozbrat squat alarm – Communique from 16/01/2008

Rozbrat Collective would like to thank everyone who in the last days expressed their support and their readiness to defend our place. We’ve received hundereds of e-mails, telephone calls, letters, both from indviduals and organizations, social movements from Poland and from abroad.

Rozbrat logoRozbrat squat alarm – Communique from 16/01/2008

Rozbrat Collective would like to thank everyone who in the last days expressed their support and their readiness to defend our place. We’ve received hundereds of e-mails, telephone calls, letters, both from indviduals and organizations, social movements from Poland and from abroad.

In general, after the visit of the bailiff last week (8/01/2008), nothing significant has happened, nothing that would change our situation. We’re still under the threat of eviction, but the date is really hard to predict. We’re still analysing our legal situation, considering both the organizations and initiatives that are active at Rozbrat, and the people living here for years. Within next 2 or 3 weeks our legal situation should be clear and we will publish another communique. However, we would like to state that we will defend Robrat both with all legal means and with all means necessary.

So far, Rozbrat is still active! We invite all of you for the events that will be organized in January and February: gigs, exhibitions, lectures, film screenings and so on… We invite you to visit our Anarchist Library and our Infoshop, where you can get some useful pamphlets, leaflets, posters, or borrow a book. Please visit our website www.rozbrat.org – in the announcements (in Polish “zapowiedzi”) section we will be announcing all the cultural, social and political activities that we organize and we will inform you about the current situation of Rozbrat.

Struggle continues!
08.01.2008 – ALARM AT ROZBRAT!

Today, around 10 a.m. bailiff together with cops came to Rozbrat squat. The policemen drilled the lock of the gate, the bailiff had a court’s permission to come in and estimate the price of the ground. The middle part of Rozbrat squat (including both concert halls, gallery, bars, library and part of the living area) was indebted for a long time by a company that doesn’t exist anymore. The ground price evaluation today means that the ground can be auctioned witthin one or two months – that can mean the end of Rozbrat squat – the longest occupied space in Poland.

We’ll keep you informed. We count on you being ready to organize solidarity actions by you and your groups!

We’re not gonna give up without fight!

History of and wide range of activities at Rozbrat, Posnan – see http://www.rozbrat.org/english.htm

500-person strong Critical Masses: http://www.rozbrat.org/english/english_more.htm#cr