Fossil Fools Day action round up – fully updated

Pictures, more info on all these actions and updates at
Start planning your next action on the upcoming days of action on False Solutions (1st May), and Food (3rd June).
More details are below these brief reports:
Activists Blockade Major Gas Terminal, Norfolk UK
Earth First! UK activists today blockaded the UK’s largest off shore gas terminal at Bacton in Norfolk. 40% of the UK’s domestic gas comes ashore here, is processed and distributed by pipeline. Activists blockaded the main road outside the site at 6.30 am this morning, preventing construction workers and shift workers from arriving. There were 19 Arrests.

Pictures, more info on all these actions and updates at
Start planning your next action on the upcoming days of action on False Solutions (1st May), and Food (3rd June).
More details are below these brief reports:
Bacton FFD 1Activists Blockade Major Gas Terminal, Norfolk UK
Earth First! UK activists today blockaded the UK’s largest off shore gas terminal at Bacton in Norfolk. 40% of the UK’s domestic gas comes ashore here, is processed and distributed by pipeline. Activists blockaded the main road outside the site at 6.30 am this morning, preventing construction workers and shift workers from arriving. There were 19 Arrests.

Merthyr Tydfil FFD actionProtesters Shut down open-cast coal mine, Merthyr Tydfil, Wales.
Protesters Shut Opencast Coal Mine Direct action exposes ‘black hole’ in climate change policy Tuesday, 1st April, 2008: At 7am this morning, protesters halted work at one of the biggest opencast coal mines in Europe. They intend to remain on the site for several days. Video here

Banner Hang for Fossil Fools in Wrexham, Wales
Reading “Car culture = Climate Chaos”

Climate activists blockade E-on in Nottingham, UK
Nottingham FFD 1Climate activists from Eastside Climate Action blockaded E-on workers as part of International Fossil Fools Day. At 7:30 this morning 30 people blockaded the entrances to E-on’s offices on Mount St, Nottingham City Centre. People covered in green paint to represent E-on’s greenwash, locked onto the front entrance to E-on’s office and stood in front of other entrances preventing E-on workers from getting to work.

Climate Activists Shut down Esso station, Plymouth, UK
Climate activists from Rising Tide occupied the Esso petrol station on Exeter Street in Plymouth. There were seven arrests. Thirty occupied the forecourt and three took to the roof shutting it down for over two hours.

Shenanigans in Southampton, UK
Today climate activists from Southampton targeted the Shell garage on Burgess Road cornered with Glen Eyre Road as part of International Fossil Fools Day. A group of eight activists have taken over the forecourt and three activists have scaled and occupied the roof with a banner.

Land Rover Ad Agency occupied by London Rising Tide on Fossil Fools Day
Activists from climate justice direct action group London Rising Tide (LRT) have occupied the offices of Y&R, the ad agency behind the current Land Rover campaign, and a new campaign for arms giant BAe Systems.

EV-EON Carbon Capture launched on Southbank, London!
EV-EON | Saving the planet from climate changeThe first ever Fossil Fools day has been given a terrific christening today with the launch of EV-EON Unnaturally Carbonated Water. This innovative new technology will be used at E.ON’s Kingsnorth PowerStation and used to capture the carbon dioxide given off by the burningof coal. The carbon dioxide is then bubbled through fresh spring water from nearby Kingsnorth Hills to create carbonated drinking water which is bottled and sold in Italian restaurants.

People & Planet in Parliament Square, London
People & Planet built a coal power station complete with 12ft cooling towers in Parliament Square and burnt a mock Climate Change Bill to protest against the Government’s plans to build eight new coal-fired power stations in the UK
New Fool Found in Westminster, London, UK

Hutton FFDWestminster awoke to cries of “Roll up! Roll up! Come see the Fossil Fool” at 8am this morning as 15 jesters and 30 protestors arrived at the department for business and regulatory reform to laugh at John Hutton, the minister responsible for the government’s push to build a string of new coal-fired power stations in the UK.

Porsche FFDPolar bears take on Porsche, London, UK
Climate change activists today delivered a mock apology on behalf of Porsche, highlighting the company’s blatant disregard for the environment. There to receive the apology, to be delivered at 8.30am outside Porsche’s main London showroom in Berkeley Square, was an audience of protesting polar bears and Londoners.

Fossil Fools Day “kicks off” early in London! UK (monday)
FA Red card FFD
FA Red card 2Fossil Fools Day 2008 got an early start today – with London Rising Tide “kicking” things off. In front of the Football Association headquarters in London, Rising Tide protesters issued the FA a Red Card for accepting sponsorship from E.ON – a utility company proposing to build new coal-fired power plants in the UK.
More photos here and here.

London FFD subvertising 1
London FFD subvertising 2The Evening Standard’s recent run-in with the press complaints commission (which can be viewed here ), which regarded last years Climate Action Camp near Heathrow Airport, seems to have resulted in a remarkable volte-face with regards to climate activism. These photographs where taken of billboards around London on Fossil Fools day.
More photos

Also in London, people demonstrated outside a Total petrol station, over their involvement in Burma.

Leamington Spa, UK
In Leamington Spa today there had a demonstration parade against the proposed Clarendon Shopping Arcade. There were 50 adults and children, many dressed up as fairies, polar bear, jesters, and deaths with oil drips. Alongside musicians playing a fossil fool’s song written specially for the event. The Group had banners, placards and fliers.

Cambridge (UK) Fossil Fools Day Protest at RBS Bank
cambridge FFDThe Royal Bank of Scotland is one of the main financiers of climate crime, in the form of oil and gas exploration. After targeting the Trinity Street branch last year for the RBS day if action, this time protesters paid a visit to the Hills Road Branch to mark the occasion of Fossil Fools Day.

Edinburgh mung FFD34 4×4’s and sports cars ‘disarmed’
One of Edinburghs’ more affluent areas was targeted for April fools fun!
“We chose only rich peoples vehicles to symbolise how the wealthy and powerful are mainly responsible for the destruction of our planet. We did the mung bean trick. It was very easy and fun!”

Edinburgh clowns visited various supermarkets highlighting the problems of food miles.

Banner Hang in Scotland
This banner was hung on Charing Cross motorway intersection in central Glasgow this morning reading “Climate change doesn’t exist. (APRIL FOOLS YOU FOSSIL FOOL!)”

Glasgow (UK) Fossil Fools present awards to local Climate Criminals
The Glasgow Fossil Fools present their local Climate Change Criminals with Awards for their contribution to Climate Chaos.

Fossil Fools in Sheffield
Sheffield FFDAs part of Fossil Fools Day activity across the country, motorists in Sheffield were reminded of an alternative to their fuel-consuming, carbon producing transport… Petrol stations belonging to Waitrose and Shell were targeted with drivers being offered leaflets and bike route maps while being entertained by a cycle ballet performance.

In Hull people in high vis jackets hung a banner in the town centre, and handed out leaflets.

Lancaster FFD bannerBanner Hang in Lancaster
Building up to the Fossil Fools Day, some people in Lancaster, England hung a banner at the side of Lancaster’s busiest roundabout for the “rush” hour gridlocked car drivers to enjoy. The banner read: “Worried about Climate Change? Stuck in Traffic? Get a Bike!”

On the day in Lancaster, members of Lancaster Climate Action hand out penalty notices for dangerous driving causing climate change to car drivers. The penalty notices were stuck on the wind screens in city centre car parks.

Also the day before, in Norwich people organised a press coference on behalf of Norwich Union, stating that they were pulling out of their fossil fuel investments.

In Manchester a Fossil Fools’ Day parade visited various climate criminals, including RBS, Flight Centre and the local council.

5 activists including one refugee polar bear descended on the streets of Worthing town centre to tell the public about the climate crimes of RBS, Natwest and Thomson travel agents. Percy the polar bear told of his ecosystem’s plight, and specified how the targetted corporations were contributing to climate change. 300 leaflets were handed out to members of the public, telling them about Fossil Fools Day and explaining how local corporations are damaging the planet. Later on, Percy went into the Natwest branch and closed down his account in protest, and encouraged others to do the same and write to their bank manager concerning Natwest’s
bankrolling of oil corporations.

A Tyneside 4×4 showroom was blockaded; workers were aggressive, and the police arrested 2 people who had been driven in to.

In Liverpool, people hung a banner at the train station demanding free transport for all, and handed out fake tickets for free travel.


Billionaires for Dirty Energy blockade Citibank in New York, USA. 2 arrested.
At 12:30pm today over 25 “Billionaires for Dirty Energy” blockaded the main entrance of Citibank’s Upper East Side headquarters. Two were arrested after chaining themselves to the front doors and refusing to leave. Police eventually sawed them out of the chains, and a rally continued in front of the bank.

8 Arrested as North Carolina, USA Residents Shut Down Construction at Cliffside Coal Plant
At 6:30 this morning, North Carolina residents locked themselves to bulldozers to stop the construction of Duke Energy’s massive Cliffside coal-fired power plant being built 50 miles west of Charlotte

Activists Blockade Bank of America to Protest Funding of Coal, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Boston, MA – Copley Square, April 1, 2008. April Fools! At of 9:00AM, in conjunction with a downtown rally, four activists locked themselves to the front entrance of the Bank of America branch in Copley Square. They were protesting the bank’s funding of coal and energy companies who are among the worst contributors to climate change, and directly responsible for innumerable human rights abuses in communities where coal is extracted and burned. There were four arrests.

Banner drop in Portland, OR, USA
As part of Fossil Fool’s Day, Stumptown Earth First! in protest of the LNG Oregon Pipelines, performed a four-story tall banner hang off of the Burnside Bridge in downtown Portland, OR. The banner reads No New Pipelines with a no LNG logo directly in the middle. The Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Pipeline is a proposed project that involves three LNG processing terminals and over 600 miles of new pipeline throughout Oregon. Stumptown Earth First! is based out of Portland, OR Cascadia.

Pranksters market “infidelity offsets” to downtown Portlanders, Oregon USA
Portland, OR – With a bouquet of heart shaped balloons, a group of Portland-area climate activists calling themselves the “Greenwash Guerrillas” presented a highly experimental new business model to passersby in downtown Portland on Tuesday. Drawing their inspiration from so-called carbon neutral companies like Portland’s Climate Trust, the activists claim to be launching a new company called “Cheat Neutral.”

Plum Creek Receives “Fossil Fool’s Award”, Maine, USA
Fairfield, ME – Volunteers with the Native Forest Network (NFN) staged a mock “Fossil Fool’s Day” awards ceremony today at the offices of the Plum Creek Timber Company to draw attention to the potential impacts of the company’s Moosehead region development proposal on the regional and global climate.


Air New Zealand in Auckland received a ‘Fossil Fool’ Award
A group of climate change activists have presented Air New Zealand with New Zealand’s first ever ‘Fossil Fool’ award.

3 arrests at peaceful parade in Christchurch, New Zealand
Three people were arrested at at the Christchurch Fossil Fools Day protest

Australian Pranksters attempt to Purchase Goods with Coal

Newcastle (Oz) FFDA group of people from Rising Tide Newcastle went to a K-mart armed with a fist full of leaflets, bags full of coal, and a large banner which asked the question “How does buying stuff fuel climate change?” and directing the reader to a website for the answer. They planned to swap their bags of coal for some cheap consumer products (thereby cutting out the middle man).

Durban FFD
In Durban, South Africa, floral wreaths were laid at a petrol dinosaur for the destruction it causes.

More detailed details below of actions listed above:

Climate activists, a proud penguin, king rat, yellow clowns and critical massers joined forces to shut down the Esso petrol station on Exeter Street, Plymouth today.

The climbing clowns scaled the roof while others blocked access to the forecourt.
The atmosphere was celebratory in a doomed planet kinda way! – music and dancing, lots of leaflets given out and a surprising number of positive hoots from passing cars.
Plymouth Esso FFD
There were seven arrests, both the roof team and those blocking the forecourt.

Climate scientists are warning us to make immediate and massive reductions in our carbon emissions or face the end of life on earth, and yet profit-driven corporations and governments are dragging us deeper into climate chaos! We have got to cut ourselves free! We have got to organise ourselves to lead localised low-carbon lifestyles and we’ve got to leave the fossil fools behind!

Action video

PRESS RELEASE 1.4.2008 – For Immediate Release

Fossil Fools Day – Climate Activists Target Irresponsible Esso.
(The U.K. arm of the American oil giant ExxonMobil)

Climate activists from Rising Tide[1] have today occupied the Esso petrol station on Exeter Street in Plymouth.

The demonstrators are calling for ExxonMobil to acknowledge the urgency of climate change, to cease funding think-tanks and lobbyists that are committed to blocking internationally agreed policies on global warming,[2][3] and to start investing in renewable energy.

With banners, leaflets and costumes – this peaceful protest aims to focus attention on Esso as a major obstacle to those seeking solutions that address climate change.
This protest is part of Fossil Fools Day, a nationwide day of action called by Rising Tide for April 1st. While the fools at the head of the fossil fuel empire continue to plunder the earth, climate chaos threatens our very survival.

Despite high-profile campaigns by Greenpeace and Friend’s of the Earth,[4][5] Exxon continues to funnel millions of dollars to groups identified as misleading the general public on global warming science and policy.[6]

In 2006 The Royal Society called on Esso to withdraw their support for groups that have “misrepresented the science of climate change by outright denial of the evidence.”[7]

As the world’s largest private oil company,[8] ExxonMobil has the power to direct the energy industry and policy makers towards a sustainable future. However it continues to invest solely in fossil fuels.

In March of this year Chairman and CEO Rex Tillerson promised record levels of fossil fuel investment. From 2008 to 2010 alone the corporation plans to fund 19 new projects which, at peak, will add more than 725,000 oil-equivalent barrels PER DAY to ExxonMobil’s production. Mr. Tillerson also proposed to approximately double production of liquefied natural gas (LNG).[9] While combustion of this fuel produces 16% less CO2 than oil,[10] the energy required to process and transport it result in LNG being a major source of greenhouse gases.[11][12]

Last year temperatures in the U.K. were 1.3 degrees warmer that the 1961-1990 average.[13] If we reach two degrees of global warming the rise will trigger carbon-cycle feedbacks from soils and plants – instead of absorbing CO2 they will start to release it. This could tip the planet into runaway global warming by 2050. We must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by 60% over the next 10 years to avoid this. If we do not, scientific evidence suggests that climate change will result in the end of life on earth.[14]

The warning signs of climate change are all around us; massive storms, devastating flooding, uncontrollable forest fires. We must make a stand against the lunacy and greed of corporations like ExxonMobil[15] before it is too late!

Notes for editors:

[1] Rising tide is a global network of local groups, taking action against climate change and building a movement based on social and environmental justice. Rising Tide activists from Devon and Cornwall took part in recent actions to highlight the climate impact of the Royal Bank of Scotland and to protest about the environmentally destructive expansion plans at Newquay airport.
[8] In 2005, ExxonMobil made an all time record profit of $36.1 billion – more than any corporation in history. In 2006, the company exceeded its own record with another $39 billion in profit.
[15] ExxonMobil also deserves to be shamed for its continued involvement with Arctic Power, the single-issue lobby group intent on plundering the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and for its refusal to pay the punitive damages it still owes for the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill.

Merthyr action 1
Merthyr action 2
Press Release: 7AM – 01/04/08

Tel: 07876753254 or 07775654500
Direct action exposes ‘black hole’ in climate change policy

Tuesday, 1st April, 2008: At 7am this morning, protesters halted work at one of the biggest opencast coal mines in Europe, on the outskirts of Merthyr Tydfil. They intend to remain on the site for several days.

One group of protesters have chained themselves to large excavation machinery, while a second group have blockaded one of the main entrances to the site.

The protest at the Ffos-y-Fran site highlights the hypocrisy of a government that claims to be taking climate change seriously, while approving new coal mines and coal-fired power stations. Coal has the biggest impact on climate change of any fuel – despite opposition from the world’s leading scientists, the Government is supporting an outdated and dangerous technology that has no future.

Merthyr residents have opposed the scheme for many years. The mine comes within 36 metres of local homes – in England and Scotland, the scheme would have been rejected due to legislation requiring a 500 metre buffer zone between opencast mines and residential areas.

The action coincides with Fossil Fools Day, an international day of climate change protest.

PHOTO OPPORTUNITY: The coal washery and protesters are clearly visible from the Bogey Road, east of Merthyr Tydfil. Other protesters on the edge of the mine are available for interviews and further information.

INTERVIEWS available in both English and Welsh.

More details and live updates from the site are available on


Merthyr action 4Merthyr action 3Don't be a Fossil Fool
UPDATE: Protesters leave coal mine after successful demonstration

Press release


Tel: 07876753254 or 07775654500

Successful protest exposes ‘black hole’ in climate change policy

Tuesday, 1st April, 2008: At the finale of today’s occupation of Ffos-y-Fran opencast coal mine, Merthyr Tydfil, south Wales, a group of protesters unfurled a 36 metre banner across the main building stating “Coal: the black hole in UK climate policy.” Thirty-six metres is the distance between the mine and local residents’ homes.

Protesters occupied the mine since 6am this morning, barricading the main entrance to the site, climbing on the roof of the coal washery and chaining themselves to machinery. The action halted work at the mine, one of the biggest in the country, before protesters left this afternoon.

Protester Esther Tew, who sat on top of an eight metre high Komatsu digger for most of the day, said: “We just want the Government to take its own climate policies seriously. By supporting opencast mining at Ffos-y-Fran and encouraging the building of new coal power stations, Gordon Brown is undermining any chance the UK has of making the 60% cuts in emissions the Government is currently committing to, let alone the 80% target the climate change committee is likely to recommend at the end of the year.”

The protest at the Ffos-y-Fran site highlights the hypocrisy of the UK Government, which claims to be taking climate change seriously while approving new coal mines and coal-fired power stations.

Coal has the biggest climate impact of any fuel – despite opposition from the world’s leading scientists, the Government is supporting an outdated and dangerous technology that has no future.

Local residents have opposed the scheme for many years, and invited protesters to Merthyr last December to support their campaign. In England and Scotland, the scheme would have been rejected due to legislation requiring a 500 metre buffer zone between opencast mines and residential areas.

As the team leave the mine for the pub after a hard day’s work, others around the world are picking up their banners and getting ready to expose the ‘fossil fools’ making a mockery of climate change policy. In the US there are at least 100 ‘Fossil Fools’ protests planned later today.

PHOTOS: A wide range of high resolution, high quality images are available. Contact us on the numbers above for more details.

INTERVIEWS available in both English and Welsh.

More details and live updates from the site are available on


Background & news of sabotage

Eastside Climate Action blockade E-on workers as part of Fossil Fools Day
Nottingham FFD 2
At 7:30 this morning 30 people blockaded the entrances to E-on’s offices on Mount St, Nottingham City Centre. People covered in green paint to represent E-on’s greenwash, locked onto the front entrance to E-on’s office and stood in front of other entrances preventing E-on workers from getting to work.

At E-on’s offices today, Bob Castle said “We are here today because despite E-on publicly claiming green credentials, it is trying to build a new generation of coal fired power stations. It is trying to build the first new coal fired power station in the UK in 50 years, at Kingsnorth in Kent, and wishes to continue its expansion with a new power staion at High Marnham in Nottinghamshire. We are here to tell E-on that they will not suceed and the only real solution to climate change is to keep fossil fuels in the ground. Coal is the dirtiest Fossil Fool and to build new coal power stations in the face of climate change is collective suicide.”

Fossil Fools Day, called by the international Rising Tide network and its allies, has seen over one hundred actions take place around the world. Protests have focused on the companies responsible for runaway carbon dioxide emissions, as well as complicit governments and those promoting false solutions.

Groups who have taken action today in the UK include Eastside Climate Action, Rising Tide, the Camp for Climate Action, World Development Movement, People and Planet, the Network for Climate Action and Earth First!

While Eastside Climate Action were visiting E-On in Nottingham, other groups around the UK were in Parliament Square (where People and Planet built a coal power station complete with 12ft cooling towers), Porsche HQ in London (where a public apology was issued on behalf of Porsche), the Department for Enterprise, Business and Regulatory Reform (where WDM held the world’s first laugh-in over plans for new coal at Kingsnorth) and Manchester City Centre (where a parade toured the city’s biggest fossil fools).

“We are taking action to prevent the fossil fuel industry from destroying our future,” said Bob Castle from Eastside Climate Action. “Vested interests in business and government are bent on pursuing economic growth at all costs. We need to shrink, not protect, the fossil fuel economy if we are to survive climate change.”

For interviews and more information about today’s action at E-on contact 07880 937511
** Updates will be available throughout the day at **

Notes to Editors:

1)E-on own Ratcliffe on Soar Power Station the site of protests by 11 people who locked themselves to machinery to prevent coal entering the power station. The judge in the trial agreed that the 11 defendants had acted to prevent death and serious injury from the release of CO2 from Ratcliffe into the atmosphere.
2)Ratcliffe is the largest CO2 emmitter in the East Midlands and 2nd largest in the UK
3)Despite E-on’s green claims they only produce 9% of their energy from renewable sources.
4)E-on’s infrastructure investment fund is 95% for non-renewable energy projects.
5)E-on plan to build the UK’s first new coal fired power station, plans that are opposed by groups from Greenpeace to World Devolpment Movement.
6)The Climate camp, (which previously held camps and did actions at Drax and Heathrow) plan to target Kingsnorth this year.
7)E-on also plan to build a new Coal Fired Power Station at High Marnham near Retford in Nottinghamshire.

As some e.on staff tried to enter the building past the painted protestors, one woman took it upon herself to abuse the painted ones. This is shocking behaviour and I would like to point out that most of the staff I encountered were pleasant and mostly indifferent or sympathetic.

Later on in the recording, you can hear a security guard, who was trying to push his way out of the building responding to an activist who claimed assault, saying: “Assault? I’ll give you assault in a minute”

More photos here, here and here.
Climate Change Activists Blockade Major Gas Terminal
Bacton FFD 2
Earth First! UK activists today blockaded the UK’s largest off shore gas terminal at Bacton in Norfolk. 40% of the UK’s domestic gas comes ashore here, is processed and distributed by pipeline. Activists blockaded the main road outside the site at 6.30 am this morning, preventing construction workers and shift owrkers from arriving.

Environmental activists have today disrupted work at a major North Sea gas installation as part of the Fossil Fools Day international day of action on climate change.

At 6.30am, around 25 activists from Earth First! UK peacefully blockaded the North Sea gas installation at Bacton on the North Norfolk Coast. The Bacton installation, operated primarily by petroleum giants Royal Dutch Shell & ExxonMobil, includes a gas-fired power station, processing plant and distribution point for domestic gas. Shell estimates that over one third of domestic UK gas comes ashore at Bacton.

The protest is also in solidarity with protestors at Rossport in Ireland, who have been trying to prevent a similar installation being built in their community.

Catherine Lewis, one of the activists at the Bacton blockade, said: “The fossil fuel industry is the single biggest driver of climate change, and gas is no exception. Switching from one fossil fuel to another is not a solution to climate change – the only real solution is to keep fossil fuels in the ground.”

Banners proclaiming “Shrink of Sink” were stretched across the road, giving the message that we need to shrink our economy and consumption to cut carbon emissions.

Press release
1st April 2008
For immediate release

Climate Change Activists Disrupt Work at Major Gas Installation

Environmental activists have today disrupted work at a major North Sea gas installation as part of an international day of action on climate change. “Fossil Fools Day” 1 aims to draw attention to the role that fossil fuels play in carbon emissions, a key component of climate change.

At 6.30am, around 25 activists from Earth First! UK 2 peacefully blockaded the North Sea gas installation at Bacton on the North Norfolk Coast. The Bacton installation3, operated primarily by petroleum giants Royal Dutch Shell & ExxonMobil, includes a gas-fired power station, processing plant and distribution point for domestic gas. Shell estimates that over one third of domestic UK gas comes ashore at Bacton.

Catherine Lewis, one of the activists at the Bacton blockade, said: “The fossil fuel industry is the single biggest driver of climate change, and gas is no exception. Switching from one fossil fuel to another is not a solution to climate change – the only real solution is to keep fossil fuels in the ground.”

Martin Jenkins, another activist, said: “All around the world today, people are taking action to prevent the fossil fuel industry from destroying our future. Vested interests in business and government are bent on pursuing economic growth at all costs. We are here today to say no more – we need to shrink, not protect or expand, the fossil fuel economy if we are to survive climate change. This means shrinking our consumption and even our economy.”

The activists at Bacton shut off part of the B1159, preventing all movements outside the gas installation. Banners stretched across the road read, “Keep fossil fuels in the ground” and “Shrink or sink”.

Notes to editors
Fossil Fools Day has been called by the international Rising
Tide network. For more information about Fossil Fools Day and the other
protests taking place today:
Earth First! UK is a network dedicated to environmental
direct action. Further information can
be found at
Bacton is one of the largest gas terminal complexes in the
UK. Gas is piped onshore at the three producer terminals from the Southern
North Sea and from the Shearwater Elgin Area Line (SEAL) and is then
distributed to UK customers or to Belgium. When in reverse flow mode, Bacton
Terminal is used to import gas into the UK. Information on Bacton terminal can
be found at or via
Contacts for the Bacton Blockade are: office: 0795 144 454;
at the blockade 07507095345
Print quality photos available on request.

Early on Fossil Fools Day over 20 Earth First! activists paid a visit to Bacton Gas terminal. The road was blockaded (using steel and concrete arm tubes) for over 4 hours – disrupting the smooth functioning of the terminal. Banners were stretched across the road, which read – “Keep fossil fuels in the ground” and “Shrink or sink”.

Police, some of them armed Ministry of Defense officers, were on scene, diverting traffic around back roads. The action ended voluntarily just before 11am. Three people who locked on were arrested for obstructing the highway, but then police decided to arrest everyone for the same offence – despite the fact that others were not positioned in the road and had left the scene.

Background – Bacton is a major energy hub for the UK, handling around a third of the nation’s gas supply, coming in from the North Sea and European pipelines. The gas is handled by a range of oil and gas companies (Shell and Exxon among others) before being sent into the national grid.

In total nine women and ten men were arrested and taken to three different police stations. All were released, after about 5 hours, to return in early May.

19 were arrested after a four hour blockade, and have now been released, on bail till the beginning of May. Two blockades were set up, one within 30 yards of the MOD police station on site. Two cops were sitting in a car there, watching people set up the blockade, and another police patrol arrived shortly afterwards. The site is protected by 2 high fences with space and razor wire between, plus is covered by SOCPA due to its national strategic importance. Protestors used a cunning combination of steel and concrete lock-ons, with extra secret ingredients, plus speed & skill. Local residents applauded. The policing policies kept changing, with a confusing combination of MOD & Norfolk plod; eventually the Gold Command lost it and decided stupidly to arrest everyone for obstruction of the highway. Apart from some of those locked on, all the other alleged obstructors were arrested some distance away. Unfortunately camera, photos & other useful items are currently in the custody of Norfolk Constabulary.


London Rising Tide played a spoof game of football outside the Football Association’s headquarters in Soho Square with a coal ball, demanding that the FA end their sponsorship deal with E-ON.

At closing time today London Rising Tide played a spoof game of football outside the Football Association’s headquarters in Soho Square with a coal ball, scoring own-goals and with the slogans ‘Climate FU Cup’ and ‘E-ON: No new coal’ emblazoned on their football shirts. On the backs of their shirts were the names of the proposed new coal-fired power stations.

A member of the group handed in a formal letter to Jonathan Hill, Director of the FA’s Commercial Division, to complain about sponsorship of the culturally iconic game by a fossil fool. E-ON are aggressively promoting a return to coal, the dirtiest of all fossil fuels, despite the urgent need to drastically cut climate-changing emissions.

Some police, and FA security attended the match, supporting from the front doors of the FA headquarters. The match went on for over an hour, only stopping for oranges and a team photo at half time.

manchester FFD 1
Manchester‘s Fossil Fools got up to all sorts of tricks today, visiting some of their idols in the city centre… unfortunately in our efforts to congratulate the best fossil fools a few mishaps occurred…

Some clowns got stuck in the revolving doors at RBS and a human pipeline was escorted from the city centre building by security. Some members of the parade got confused and chalked messages on the pavements, and people trying to escape the beating of drums ran to hide in the Flight Centre while the samba band, who really had no idea, blocked the entrance! Some policemen came along looking for Spartacus but couldn’t find him anywhere.

This was a wonderful day where fossil fools in all their many guises could come together, from old men (we think?!!), to young dinosaurs, in shades, masks, face-paints and suits to worship at the altar of commercial climate denial. To encourage people to consider whether or not they too may be fossil fools there were free vegan cakes, and leaflets with guidance about making Manchester a cleaner city (another little slip up).

On a positive note banners reading ‘OIL,GAS and COAL the jokes on US! Happy Fossil Fools Day! were hung on the walls of RBS, out of respect for their hard work contributing to climate chaos. Placards saying ‘Mr.T says “I pity the fuel” were waved. The parade ended triumphantly outside Manchester Town Hall to recognise the vital role Manchester City Council play in the area, damaging the climate every day. Just before the end a charming man did a short but inspiring solo on the spoons.


The mung bean trick*
*basically, the activist places a mung bean in the dust cap of a car tyre, and then screws the cap back on. repeat x4. this depresses the valve, releasing the air in the tyre gradually while the activist escapes.

Edinburgh clowns FFD
Clowns take on Food Mile Freaks on Fossil Fools Day

Today the Edinburgh battalion of the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army (CIRCA) marched into Sainsbury’s and Tesco to point out the absurdity of squandering limited fossil fuel resources on flying strawberries to Scotland so we can eat them in the middle of winter.

As part of International Fossil Fools Day ten clowns burst into supermarkets between 4 and 6 o’ clock in the afternoon, in time to salute shoppers on their way home from work. The red-nosed army marched into the new Sainsbury’s on Middle Meadow Walk, where they acted out the carbon intensive process of transporting food from farmer to plate. The clowns then scattered throughout the store in search of an elusive ‘Scottish banana’, encouraging fellow shoppers to find (if they could) any produce in the store which was actually from Scotland. The battalion placed flyers in shopping baskets and amongst pineapples, peaches and pears reminding shoppers that 50% of vegetables and 95% of the fruit eaten in the UK now comes from overseas.

Under the watchful eyes of the police, the clowns then navigated their way through the streets of Edinburgh and stumbled into a Tesco on Nicolson Street. Here they discovered the latest invention of green supermarket spin, ‘carbon labelling.’ Shoppers seemed surprised, but amused by the presence of the tricksters who were going about their normal shopping routine. The clowns were eventually forced to leave by security at both Sainsbury´s and Tesco.

At Tesco today, Clown combatant Major Look said, “We are here to draw attention to supermarket food mile freaks such as Tesco and Sainsbury’s who adopt extremely harmful practices in order to sell food from all over the world, all the year round. Instead of promoting local Scottish produce and seasonal fruit and vegetables, big supermarkets air-freight food into the country from far away, contributing tons of CO2 to the atmosphere. Transporting food by plane is one of the fastest growing methods of distribution, and also the most polluting.”

When asked to comment on the tactics of the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army, Kernel O’Truth commented,

“It’s better to be foolish than fossil fuelish!”

Edinburgh battalion of the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army

More photos


I’m happy to report that here in Hull we successfully staged a Fossil Fools Day action;

Dressed in high visibility jackets reading “Climate Crisis Prevention”, hard hats and boiler suits, we hung a banner in the town centre, below the large TV screen, reading;

2007 = 17,000 HOMES FLOODED

We then proceeded to hand out flyers to local residents, of whom the VAST majority were very supportive. Local media conducted interviews, with BBC Look North promising to do a live TV news feed, until a ‘breaking story required their camera men to go elsewhere.

Our experience of successfully making the transition for ‘talking’ to ‘doing’ was very positive for everybody involved, and having now completed our first ever action, we’re looking forward to planning the next on the 1st May.

EV-EON Unnaturally Carbonated Water : The Planet is Saved!
EV-EON Unnaturally Carbonated Water was launched today on the streets of London. Using all new climate-saving technology we can save the day and keep burning coal for ever more. Well done Carbon Capture and Storage!

Today saw the launch in London of EV-EON Unnaturally Carbonated Water a new carbon capture technology (CCS) to be used at E.ON’s Kingsnorth Power Station.

Burning coal to generate electricity produces Carbon Dioxide (CO2), a green house gas that contributes to climate change. However by capturing the CO2 before it is released into the atmosphere and piping it through natural spring water we at E.ON are able to create carbonated drinking water that is bottled and sold in Italian restaurants under the brand name EV-EON.

Although a simple solution, the implications are huge. With over a hundred years worth of coal deposits left and with massive growth in energy demand CCS will allow E.ON to continue to burn coal for decades to come. EV-EON’s Chief Executive Taton Rebfluw says, “climate change had turned coal into a dirty word, but carbonated drinking water could be the silver bullet we have been looking for” a quick sip of EV-EON bottled water and he continues “the water tastes great and drinkers have the added bonus of helping combat climate change – the more water they drink, the more CO2 they store, and the more coal can be used to generate electricity, this really is symbiosis at its very best”.

EV-EON is available now in restaurants and cafes. Please drink responsibly and refrain from burping or breathing the CO2 back into the atmosphere otherwise you may be responsible for causing climate change.

Please visit our website to watch our fantastic animation and learn more.

Welsh Opencast Mine protest in London on Fossil Fuels Day
Argent FFD solidarity
The demonstration by the Campaign Against Climate Change at the offices of Argent Group PLC in Piccadilly on April 1 was one of many actions as part of the global ‘Fossil Fools Day.’

Argent form half of Miller-Argent who run the UK’s largest opencast coal mine, Ffos-y-Fran in Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales. Just 36 metres from the nearest houses, extraction will continue for more than 15 years (perhaps as along as 40 years), producing coal that will add at least 30 million tons of CO2 to to our atmosphere.

Scottish safety standards demand a minimum gap of 500 metres from housing, but the implemention of a 350 metres limit by the Welsh office has been delayed – allegedly to allow the Merthyr working to go ahead.

Despite the misery and health hazards through air-borne dust, diesel fumes and noise to the 70,000 or so who live in Merthyr (the authorities set up a Health Impact Study – then refused to accept it when it gave a damning report) and the dangers of possible disaster to those living on the edge of the ‘black hole’, no offers have been made of compensation or relocation.

Thinking globally, the carbon dioxide will add significantly to the world-wide climate change which already threatens massive disasters, in particular with densely populated low-lying countries such as Bangladesh likely to become largely untenable in the medium term future.

This opencast coal mine has only been allowed to go ahead because of close cooperation between the government and commercial interests backing ‘new coal’ and new coal-fired power stations such as Kingsnorth. You can read more about it on the web sites, and

Around a dozen demonstrators turned up at 4pm in in Albany Courtyard, a private street off Piccadilly where Argent have their London office and set up behind barriers watched by rather more police from three vans and a police car, with a police photographer taking extensive video and photographs. A manager from the Albany came and talked to the demonstrators, taking a document about the mine and promising to deliver it to his tenants at Argent Group PLC.

A steady stream of pedestrians walking along Piccadilly took leaflets and quite a few expressed their support for action against climate change (only one stopped to argue against it while I was present,) and passing motorists hooted in support.

A few more pictures on My London Diary, http// shortly.


Fossil Fools Day protest against Kingsnorth coal-fired power station
Parliament Square FFD 1
Parliament Square FFD 2
Students from ‘People and Planet’ along with other climate activists came to Parliament Square, London on April 1 as a part of the international Fossil Fool’s Day protest.

Around a hundred came Westminster to protest about the plans to build a new coal-fired power station at Kingsnorth in Kent, the first of eight such major carbon-emitters being planned. Students brought with them three large white cooling towers, each with a large message ‘NO NEW COAL’ and one with rather nice grime dripping from its upper lip, and erected them on Parliament Square in front of the Houses of Parliament.

Many of the students also held cutouts of Gordon Brown’s face as they shouted advice to him that this programme makes a nonsense of the government’s policy on carbon emissions, and several held posters showing the Draft Climate Change Bill, one of which, held by a jester, was set alight with the help of some lighter fuel.

Students went on to lobby their MPs, and a couple, including the Labour MP for Reading West, Martin Salter came out into Parliament Square to meet students from their constituencies.

More pictures on My London Diary shortly :


Fossil Fools Day action at Y&R advertising.
Y & R agency FFD 1
Y & R agency FFD 2
Y & R agency FFD 3
Yesterday April 1st, which as you all know is international Fossil Fools day the offices of Y&R advertising were paid a visit by London Rising Tide. Outside the Camden HQ activists did a spoof marketing campaign by Y&R who are currently trying to convince the public of Landrover’s green credentials…!!?? One of their employees was initially quite angry ansd bewildered by what was happening. Though in fairness he did calm down and see the funny side making numerous cigarette breaks to come outside and chat to the activists and their polar bear.

Meanwhile inside the building some other people posing as corporate clients gained access to Y&R and barricaded themselves inside one of their offices. The Police eventually showed up in force and nicked those inside. Which is exactly what they wanted as any charges will bring a nice big PR disaster to Y&R. Nice sunny day for it too….

Spoof Press Release which some gullible outlets actually fell for:
** 9am, 1.4.08; for immediate release ***


Leading advertising agency Y&R is proud to reveal that it will be spearheading a major advertising and overall branding campaign for the new Harrion® Civilian Jump-Jet. The Harrion® – the civilian version of the Harrier – is the centrepiece of HarrionProjects, the newly-privatised wing of the UK Ministry of Defence.

The campaign will be modelled on Y&R’s hugely successful work for Land Rover, which combined rugged locations, spectacular photography and a prominent claim to ‘offset’ the CO2 produced from the first 45,000 miles of driving. The company which arranged the offsets, ClimateCare, is also on board to offer the same service for the Harrion®, (which has an even healthier thirst than its land-based brother!)

Y&R’s Bernard Donovan said “This is a dream come true for us, and not only because so many of our lads grew up ogling Harriers back in the Seventies! Seriously, we see a great future looming for the Harrion®, and we can’t wait to get out there and help mould public perceptions of it.’

Mimi Santoria of HarrionProjects added ‘There’s nothing to stop the Harrion® becoming the world’s most iconic personal transportation solution. And with ClimateCare part of our team, there’s every chance it will come to be regarded as a zero-emission 21st Century green zeitgeist machine!’

Mick Martin of ClimateCare said ‘CO2 offsets are literally taking off throughout the western world. We’re ready to jump into action and carbon neutralise the Harrion®’s admittedly challenging 0.3 miles per gallon in the same way as we have for Land Rover. This is our first major deal since being acquired by JPMorgan, so we really are flying high with the big boys!’

For interviews, pictures and more information as it happens:
Tel: 07513 341970 or 07513 335777 or

Press Release form the occupiers:
*** 9am, 1.4.08; for immediate release***


Activists from climate justice direct action group London Rising Tide (LRT) have occupied the offices of Y&R, the ad agency behind the current Land Rover campaign, and a new campaign for arms giant BAe Systems. This is one of many actions taking place worldwide on Fossil Fools Day, a day of action called by the Rising Tide network. Outside the office, climate street theatre is also underway.

The LRT activists are posing as executives from a newly-privatised wing of the MoD called HarrionProjects, a spoof company whose centrepiece is the Harrion®, a civilian version of the Harrier Jump-Jet. LRT has issued a spoof press release saying that Y&R has agreed to launch the Harrion® marketing campaign, and also that ClimateCare, the CO2 offsets company which is working to ‘offset’ Land Rover emissions, has agreed to do the same for the Harrion®, even though the Harrion® only manages 0.3mpg.

LRT’s Sam Chase said: ‘It feels good to be joining other climate justice activists around the world on a day when traditionally the world is turned upside down. Fossil Fools Day is about using foolery to reveal the insanity of the current fossil-fuelled market madness, an insanity whose intensity is stoked to a great extent by the advertising industry.

LRT’s Mimi Santoria added: This is the first time an ad agency has been targeted by climate justice campaigners – it’s long overdue, and it certainly won’t be the last.’

For interviews, pictures, a copy of the spoof press release and more
information as it happens:
Tel: 07513 341970 or 07513 335777


On 31st March, Norwich Rising Tide started the fossil foolery early.
Norwich Union FFD leaflet front
Norwich Union FFD leaflet back
Step One – we sent out a spoof press release (see below) announcing that Norwich Unions would be withdrawing all of its £6.1 billion investment in the fossil fuel industry – yes they really do invest that much is fossil fuels! You name it – BP (£1.4 billion – 2% ownership of the company), Shell (£1.1 billion), Exxon, ConocoPhillips, Chrysler, British Energy, Centrica, Eon, BMW… the list goes on and on.

Step Two – we organised a press conference to spread the word further, outside the front entrance of the Norwich Union HQ. This really set the cat amongst the pigeons and Norwich Union emailed all there staff to say “Rising Tide are planning possible action against Norwich Union … the group will carry our disruptive activities … and will possibly attempt to interact with employees”. Heaven Forbid … actually interaction! Won’t that require extra, extra back up policing. Sure enough when we arrived at Norwich Union we were greeted by numerous police (including some of the Forward Intelligence Team who had decided to come from London to Norwich for a day out).

At the press conference ‘Norwich Union Communications Director, Sarah James’ gave a beautiful speech (see below) explaining the change in Norwich Union investment policy, which thoroughly confused the press (they very nearly bought it!).

All that remained was to give out the 50 Norwich Union ‘Apology Sandbags’ which had been delivered and to handed out over 300 leaflets to passers by (see below).

On a personal note – it was a fun day out and best of all our research into Norwich Union revealed who the biggest fossil fool in Norwich truly is! Watch this space.

Norwich Rising Tide.


Norwich Union to announce £6.1 billion withdrawal from fossil fuel industry

Embargo: 00.01 AM, Monday 31 March

On Monday, Norwich Union will announce a dramatic change of company policy.

In 2007 Norwich Union invested £6.1 billion in the fossil fuel industry, £1.4 billion in BP alone. After last summer’s heavy flooding, the company’s Chief Executive, Mark Hodges, has decided to withdraw Norwich Union’s investments from this sector.

Norwich Union Communications Director, Sarah James, announced: “The company has realised that investing £6.1 billion worth of insurance premiums in BP, Shell and other major oil, coal and car companies is unsustainable in the current climate. In the past we have been indirectly exacerbating the flooding and other extreme weather events that are now making homes increasingly uninsurable.”

Norwich Union will mark the announcement with a period of public apology for past investment decisions, by issuing ‘Norwich Union Apology Sandbags’ free to all home owners who now face greater flood risk as a result of fossil fuel induced climate change. Members of the group Norwich Rising Tide will be on hand to help Norwich Union distribute the first 60 ‘Apology Sandbags’ after the announcement on Monday.

Photo opportunity: Monday, 31 March, 12.15 PM, Norwich Union (Marble Hall entrance).

Can This Be True?
Has Norwich Union come to its senses? Or does this event mark the start of Fossil Fools Day (1), a day of direct action against the fossil fuel industry and its financial backers?

David Watson, of Norwich Rising Tide, today said: “Financial institutions like Norwich Union that funnel money into the fossil fuel industry have stood in the shadows for too long. Today, we are joining with thousands around the world in taking creative direct action to prevent the fossil fuel economy from destroying our future. The only real solution to climate change it to keep fossil fuels in the ground.”

The photo opportunity is real, and the apology sandbags are ready to go.
The only question is – will Norwich Union accept its responsibility for climate change and help us to distribute them?

Contact:, 0795 144 4545


Welcome ladies and gentlemen.

I am here today to announce a landmark decision that puts Norwich Union at the very forefront of responsible business practices and, we believe, makes it a world leader in the financial sector. This announcement will change a lot about the way Norwich Union does business, and will impact our customers, investors, and all of our corporate partners.

Before I go any further, I want to tell you a story. It’s about Mark Hodges, the CEO of Norwich Union Life.

Last summer, Mr Hodges’ wife had a baby, their first child. They planned a holiday to their summer home to spend time with their new baby. But their summer home was in Tewkesbury, and it was flooded last summer. Mr and Mrs Hodges arrived, Mr Hodges cradling the new baby in his arms, to find chairs floating, carpets sodden, and photo albums full of family memories destroyed. Over the course of the next few days, as news of the damage across the country spread, the inevitable finger was pointed to climate change. Watching his new child in her bassinette, Mr Hodge had an epiphany. He did not want his legacy to his daughter to be a world ravaged by climate change. He began to devour everything he could find about the effects climate change might have, here in the UK and around the world. He read about more floods, more droughts, more families’ lives ruined. He read about the destruction of the Amazon and the loss of wildlife. He read about the millions of people who would lose their homes, or their lives. And on his first day back at work after the birth of his daughter, Mr. Hodge made a vow to do everything in his considerable power to prevent these dreadful things from happening – starting with the company he is responsible for.

Mr Hodge looked with new eyes at Norwich Union’s approach to its investment of insurance premiums. He looked at fossil fuel industry – a surefire winner when it comes to return on investment – in a whole new light. And he looked on the Norwich Union investment portfolio with growing horror: Shell, BP, Exxon, ConocoPhillips, Chrysler, British Energy, Centrica, Eon, BMW… the list went on and on. In total, Norwich Union’s investment in the fossil fuel industry added up to 6.1 billion pounds. Mr Hodge realised that if his company was 2% owner of BP, it was as complicit in the damage to the climate as BP was. And here, he realised, is where the change must start.

So, ladies and gentlemen, I am extraordinarily proud to stand here today and announce, on behalf of Mr Hodge and the Board of Directors, that from today, Norwich Union will be withdrawing the entirety of its 6.1 billion investment in the fossil fuel industry. [shock horror in the audience]. Please, remain calm. We realise this will come as a major shock to our shareholders and corporate partners. We want to enter into a dialogue with all of our partners about this decision, and Mr Hodges will be making himself personally available to all those with concerns. I will be on hand following this presentation to arrange meetings, and distribute contact details. However, going forward, I appeal all those listening to look to the bigger picture. Norwich Union has always been about protecting our customers’ futures. Today, we are making a policy change that will protect our collective future. I’m sure our shareholders, and indeed all of you here today, will agree with me that protecting our common future, is certainly more important than protecting our bottom line.

But today is not all about the board room and the shareholders. Today, as every day, is about our customers. We realise that the decisions we have made over the past decades have already caused irrevocable changes to our climate. We also realise that many of our customers in the Norfolk area are finding that their homes are now at greater risk of flooding. Therefore, as a token of our deep regret for the role we have played in placing our own customers at greater risk, today we are offering everyone free sandbags to help protect their homes from future flooding. We especially encourage those homeowners who have recently discovered that their homes are now uninsurable to make use of this offer, and it is to them that we extend our greatest apologies.

However, I hope that you all join me in seeing this day not as a day to regret, but a day to celebrate, and a day that we all can be immensely proud of.

Thank you.

I would now like to invite my colleagues to help me distribute our Apology Sandbags.

Police Searches Houses After Arrests At E.On Blockade

Nottinghamshire Police searched 2 houses yesterday afternoon after it had made two arrests at the blockade at E.On offices on Mount Street. The searches were ‘authorized’ under section 18 of the Police And Criminal Evidence Act 1984. Under this act; “A constable may enter and search any premises occupied or controlled by a person who is under arrest for an arrestable offence, if he has reasonable grounds for suspecting that there is on the premises evidence that relates to that offence”. Both people arrested were released early in the evening and were charged with Section 5 public order offences. They are to appear at Nottingham Magistrates Court on April 14th.


Fossil Fooling in Glasgow

A bunch of Fossil Fools took to the Streets of Glasgow today, trying to persuade people to up their carbon emissions by putting more petrol in their cars, applauding SUV’s and urging pedestrians to Stop Walking – Start Driving!

The stupid suited Fools, some sporting bowler hats, facepaint, pin stripes and briefcases, and glasses adorned with dollar signs, went to a nearby Shell garage where customers were urged to guzzle more gas, and big cars were slavered over. One driver refused to drive over a hand-painted Planet Earth as he left the scene of Climate Crime, but sanity prevailed as the next guy in a Jaguar (JAAGGUUAORRRGASSMMMM!!! er
sorry) gleefully put his foot down on the rubbish planet and sped off, to the delight and applause of the Fools. The car is mightier than the planet! The confused Fools then unfurled a giant Award to Shell for its contributions to climate change.

Next they applauded more 4x4s at traffic lights, before inadvertently stumbling into a branch of Starbucks to play – and Starbucks are a well known model employer and sell Green Coffee! The Fools, having realised their mistake, then took to the Street again, and lit upon a branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland. One of the slightly more sane looking Fools, more of an idiot really, planted lots of leaflets about how the RBS is financing climate change on a massive scale, in amongst the others in the bank
telling you how good money is. When told he shouldn’t be doing this, he merely smiled and was left alone. But not for long.

A grotesque of Fools suddenly appeared in the bank, causing noise and mayhem and laughing at some insane joke, before unfurling their large Award banner, applauding the RBS’s contribution to climate change. It seemed that these idiots would stop at nothing to show how Foolish they were!

Having somehow negotiated the crossing of a Sauchiehall Street, after frolicsome times with some road workers, the Fools socked toward, then into, a Flight Centre. Here they enquired about getting a holiday with the biggest, guaranteed CO2 emission. Then they presented the flight centre staff with another huge banner Award for their contributions to climate change, and had a fun game of ‘Chairs’, before turning into helicopters and flying out of the shop.

Here they learned that many BIG SUVs were to be seen at a local private school, so they scrambled up there to drool over all those beoooootiful gas guzzlers. At one point, some of them, understandably, lost control of themselves over a specifically Big Beautiful Carcar, slavering and licking at it. Then, the ‘owner’ showed us how big a hard-on he has for his guzzler by pushing a Fool, who had produced an old feather duster from the depths of his bag, and shouting ‘Get away from MY CAR!!’. Said sane man then proceeded to get on his mobile, more of that later.

As they went down the street, lots of children were pleasantly surprised by this strange Frolic of Fools as they progressed, Then – THE COPS! Gasp! The sane man had called them because his carcar had been dusted off and ‘touched’, but they soon realised what a harmless bunch of Fools confronted them, and went away smiling.

So the Fossil Fools struggled off into the late afternoon sunshine. What a confusing day it had been. Fortunately, the rest of the world went on being sane.


Dear Car-Driving Commuters

This banner was sighted on Charing Cross motorway intersection in central Glasgow this morning.

“Climate change doesn’t exist. (APRIL FOOLS YOU FOSSIL FOOL!)”

It had the following note attached…
“Dear Car-Driving Commuters.
Who stack yourselves up one by one.
Grid-locking our city Glasgow in high carbon, low health, grrr- noise / eurgh-air and catastrophic climate chaos.


From Cyclists, Pedestrians, Health Workers, City-Dwellers,
Low-Carbon Lifestylers Wanting Radical Change Now,
Grounded Non-flyers Who Want to Grow Vegetables on Your Land.”


Newcastle activists blockade 4×4 dealership!

People from Tyneside concerned about the effects of climate change paid a visit to a 4×4 dealership which sells hum-ve or hummer style 4×4’s.

The entrance to Vroom car superstore was blockaded and a banner proclaiming “kill car culture before it kills us” was stretched across the road.

The activists hoped to highlight the fossil fool car culture which is so dominant in all u.k cites and the unsustainable capitalism which fuels car culture.

The workers at the garage didn’t take the protest very well and responded aggresively to our presence,at one point a worker rammed his car though the blockade which left two of the protest group on the bonnet of his car and lucky to avoid serious injury!

The police soon arrived and broke the blockade up and let the over zealous workers in to the garage. Despite the fact two people had been assaulted by a motor vehicle the police chose to ignore this and proceeded to arrest the two people that had been struck for criminal damage of the car that was driven into them!! The police then seized the video camera belong to one of the group as it contained evidence of the alleged criminal damage (so no pics.. sorry)

The blockaders encourage other groups or individuals to take action against the climate criminals in your area.

Happy fossil fools day.

for further info on events and actions in Newcastle and the North-East contact;


Free public transport for all? Liverpool activists are having a laugh!

Early on the morning of April 1st, a group of Liverpool activists carried out a banner drop and distributed leaflets and dummy tickets outside Lime Street Station, telling the public that they could travel for free.

A banner reading “FREE TRANSPORT FOR ALL – DON’T BE A FOSSIL FOOL” was hung from scaffolding above the station, and fake tickets marked “Free Travel” were given out, accompanied by a leaflet entitled “Only Joking”, which called on people to take the decisions on improving public transport into the hands of those who run and use the service, not the companies who profit from it.

“Prices are going up massively,” says the leaflet, “at a time when the government says they want people out of their cars so they can cut down on the use of fossil fuels! Instead, the government are cutting price subsidies and letting companies charge what they like!” It questions the 3.8% price hike implemented by Merseyrail last year, pointing out the lack of a corresponding improvement to the service or to the pay and working conditions of Merseyrail’s employees.

It was not long before two Transport Police and a Community Support Officer took an interest, and upon reading the leaflet they initially seemed satisfied (provided one activist moved a full five inches to her right in order to be clear of the station boundary.) Five minutes later, though, they returned, with the realisation that, though it had slipped their minds beforehand, the activists were, in fact, breaking the law. One of them wore a trenchcoat, and slapped his forehead with the heel of his palm before turning back and announcing there was just one more thing (I may be making that up). What had suddenly occurred to them was that some commuters may not properly understand the phrase “Only Joking” and try to use a clearly home-printed joke ticket as if it were the real thing, which would make the activists guilty of “Making or supplying articles for use in frauds”, under Article 7 of the Fraud Act (2006) and mean they had to be arrested; as nobody wanted that kind of paperwork, the police advised that it was best for all concerned if they moved on.

After consultation, the activists decided to take that risk, and the rest of the leaflets were distributed without incident. Amusing as this is to recount, it is yet another example of the disturbing rise in police harassment of peaceful protesters and campaigners in the city centre.

Meanwhile, carbon emissions rise along with public transport prices and it is cheaper to drive to Manchester than to get the train. How long are we going to suffer these fools?

Total FFD
Totalitarian Fossil Fools Day took place at the Dorest House Total Petrol Station 170-172 Marylebone Rd, London on April 1st. Joining in with the events of the 5 protesters demonstrated against the French oil company’s fossil foolishness causing climate change and pollution as well as the usual protest against Total’s support of the brutal Burma junta. Total funds the evil junta with 500 million dollars a year and its gas pipeline in Burma was built with slave labour (see

The heavy Marylebone Road traffic beeped in support of the “BEEP 4 BURMA BOYCOTT TOTAL” banners and many taxi drivers visiting the station requested leaflets about the protest. One passer-by made a point of vowing to the protesters never to get petrol from Total ever again.

In January 2008 Total’s fossil foolishness was recognised by the French courts as they convicted Total of France’s worst oil disaster over the sinking of the tanker Erika off the coast of Brittany in December 1999. The disaster leaked 20,000 tonnes of oil into the sea, contaminating 400km of coastline. Having tried to deny responsibility Total was fined 375,000 euros (£280,000) and ordered to pay a share of nearly 200m euros in damages. The fine was the maximum penalty allowed. See BBC news article

Cavendish Square Protest
On April 2nd, also protested outside Total’s offices at 33 Cavendish Square. We were pleased to speak to one passer-by who had read our leaflet from a previous protest and said she had switched her home gas supply from Total due to Total’s support of the military regime in Burma.

Total and Burma

A detailed report on Total Oil’s involvement in Burma, written by Burma Campaign UK, can be downloaded at

Total is in a joint venture with the dictatorship in the Yadana gas project in southern Burma. [1]

The gas project funds the junta with hundreds of millions of dollars a year and represents a major source of foreign currency for the regime to buy weapons and finance the army.

Burma has the world’s worst health care [2], the most corruption [3] and the most child soldiers [4].

Protests are held weekly but locations may change. For information and reports on protests in London and around the country please see

Burma Videos

Burma Campaign UK’s video channel on YouTube:

– New to Burma? Watch these videos for a brief introduction
– This is Burma Music – U2, REM, Damien Rice, KT Tunstall…
– This is Burma: News and Documentaries – including Burma’s Secret War
and Inside The Crackdown

Get TOTAL OIL out of Burma group on Facebook:

Recent Burma news: (see – read links for the full versions of stories)


Engen the focal point of Fossil Fools day in Durban, South Africa

Countries around the world observed Fossil “Fools” Day – which is an international day of protest focused on climate change and energy issues.

In Durban, petrol giant Engen became the focal point for residents who have long focused their anger at the refinery, holding it responsible for causing various lung diseases among the community.

The protesters laid floral wreaths signifying deaths in this community due to lung infections. Asthma has been one of the main problems here. The general prevalence rate of the lung disease worldwide is between 10% and 12% and this area has over five times the norm.

Solutions to pollution
Dennis Brutus an Environmental Activist says: “If Engen and other corporations chose the best technical solutions you would end up minimising the amount of pollution. The problem is that it would cut into their profits so they choosing to put profits ahead of people.”

Industry bosses say there has been a reduction in air pollution over the past 10 years, but admit more can be done.

Willem Oosthuizen of Engen says: “We will certainly try to keep on working on our environmental performance, reducing the flaring, becoming more reliable, we care for the community and we going to do more.”

Engen has also accepted a memorandum – delivered by university students and ill children from the area. They’re calling for, among other things, transparency. The community has vowed to follow up on their demands.


Pranksters attempt to Purchase Goods with Coal in Newcastle, Australia

A group of people from Rising Tide Newcastle went to a large indoor shopping mall armed with a fist full of leaflets, two bags full of coal, and a large colourful banner which asked the question “How does buying stuff fuel climate change?” and directing the reader to a website for the answer. While a few of the people headed up to the roof of the building with the banner, the rest of the group walked towards the K-mart in order to swap their bags of coal for some cheap consumer products (thereby cutting out the middle man).

The small group of pranksters was met by a stiff line of about 20 humourless police officers in crowd control mode, and a similar number of security guards. No, they were informed, they would not be entering K-mart today. The pranksters explained what they were doing, and how rampant consumerism was one of the root causes of climate change, and would it be okay please if we just did our little prank of trying to buy products with coal, and then we could all go home? No, replied the humourless authorities, you may not. Not only that, but trying to buy products with coal was one step away from theft, offered one of the police officers.

So some of the pranksters began talking to the shopping public about the climate change impact of cheap imported consumer items, and handing out flyers with more information. A couple of others snuck off into the nearby Toys ‘R’ Us and tried once again to spend their coal. Alas, just as our pranksters approached the checkout they were rumbled by security. Finally, a few minutes later, the pranksters were finally offer to make an offer to a nearby fashion shop. Unfortunately, the deal was knocked back.

Meanwhile, on the roof of the building, things were going better. A big banner was successfully hung off the building, facing two main roads and covering the massive shopping centre logo on the corner of the building. The banner had a picture of a shopping trolley with a plume of smoke coming from the back of it said “How does buying stuff fuel climate change?”. A newspaper photographer caught the action from down on the street below.

Eventually, all those involved were rounded up and kicked out of the building, at threat of arrest. While some of the shoppers they had spoken to were just cranky, some were supportive, and some of were interested to know more. Unfortunately it seemed none of security guards or police officers were interested in consumerism fueling climate change, and they certainly weren’t interested in a bit of light-hearted pranktivism.


8 Arrested as North Carolina, USA Residents Shut Down Construction at Cliffside Coal Plant
North Carolina FFD
At 6:30 this morning, North Carolina residents locked themselves to bulldozers to stop the construction of Duke Energy’s massive Cliffside coal-fired power plant being built 50 miles west of Charlotte, NC. “In the face of catastrophic climate change, building a new coal plant is tantamount to signing a death sentence for our generation,” said local farmer Matt Wallace, while locked to a bulldozer. The concerned citizens also roped off the construction site with “Global Warming Crime Scene” tape and held banners that read “Coal Fuels Climate Change” and “Social Change, not Climate Change.”

Shortly after activists locked themselves to construction equipment, police arrived on the scene and used pain compliance holds and tazers to force them to unlock themselves.

The act of civil disobedience is one of over 100 protests taking place around the world on what climate activists are calling Fossil Fools Day, a confrontational day of protest targeting companies responsible for runaway carbon dioxide emissions. The day of action was organized by the international Rising Tide network and its allies to demand an end to the extraction and burning of fossil fuels and a just, rapid transition to sustainable ways of living. In Nottingham, UK, climate activists blockaded the offices of E-on, a company trying to build a new generation of coal-fired power stations, while another group in Wales halted work at one of the biggest opencast coal mines in Europe.

The new Cliffside plant is currently in legal limbo for being in violation of the Clean Air Act. While Duke CEO Jim Rogers publicly paints Duke as a “green” energy company, he has refused to install the best available pollution controls on the new coal plant, as is required by federal law. The plant would pump 6 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere annually in addition to toxic heavy metals such as mercury.

“The Fossil Fools in government and industry are playing games with our future: the time for lip service and half-measures is over. Direct actions like this one are necessary to stop people like Jim Rogers, who watch the planet burn while counting the money they make from the fire.” said Charlotte resident Jane Calhoun.

Climate change warning signs abound: countless plant and animal species are being pushed to the brink of extinction by warming temperatures; low-lying islands are evacuating due to rising sea levels; droughts, tornados, and floods are on the increase. “Climate change is the greatest threat humans have ever faced. We should be tearing down coal plants, not building new ones,” said Clare Jones of Asheville Rising Tide.

Public opposition to the Cliffside plant, including lawsuits, public protests and acts of civil disobedience, has been growing steadily. “Jim Rogers won’t have to live with the consequences of global warming. Our generation will. We aren’t going anywhere until this plant is canceled!” said Calhoun. A rally this Saturday in Charlotte is expected to draw hundreds of demonstrators.

This action was organized by Asheville Rising Tide and Earth First!

Street Mr Rogers

On-site: Liz Veazey, Southeast Climate Convergence (919)619-5964
Off-site: Abigail Singer, Asheville Rising Tide (828)280-3462


NY Citi lock-on25 Billionaires for Dirty Energy Blockade Citibank Headquarters; 2 Arrested

In Celebration of Fossil Fools Day – Citi takes heat for coal financing

New York, NY – At 12:30pm today over 25 Billionaires for Dirty Energy blockaded the main entrance of Citibank’s Upper East Side headquarters, 2 were arrested by NYPD after chaining themselves to the front doors. NYPD officers eventually had to cut through their chains.

Dressed in tuxedos and top hats, Billionaires are demanding Citibank shift their large-scale investments in coal-fired power plants due to coal’s increasing investment risk. “Coal has lost its appeal as a predictable investment; it is fraught with uncertainty” said Billionaire, Lauren Valle, prior to being arrested by NYPD. “Bottom-line, CITI is mortgaging our future and compromising their own long-term competitiveness.”

Billionaires held large signs reading: “Coal=Too Risky, Citi We Want our Money Back.”

“Climate change will be a major investment theme of the future” said Scott Parkin of Rainforest Action Network. “You don’t have to care what global warming will do to the climate to make a bucket load of money by preparing.” Other notable billionaires that have turned to clean energy for their investment potential include, CEO of GE Jeffrey R. Immelt, Walmart CEO H. Lee Scott, and maverick oilman Boone Pickens.

By all accounts coal is becoming an increasingly risky investment. In the last three months alone, the federal government indefinitely suspended a loan program for new coal-fired power plants in rural areas because of uncertainty about climate change and soaring construction costs. The decision came shortly after three major Wall Street investment banks, including Citi, announced new rules requiring utilities to show that coal-plant proposals factor in the cost of future carbon regulation. In addition, the federal government yanked funding from their expensive, fantastical FutureGen plant.

In conjunction with today’s Citi event, Fossil Fools Day activities are happening from North Dakota to New Zealand. There are over 100 actions planned including Fossil Fool award deliveries to some of the most damaging CEOs and politicians, green job rallies, protests and civil disobedience at power plants, energy companies, and banks. Actions aim to express opposition to dirty energy and show support for climate justice and corporate responsibility. Fossil Fools Day is being organized by the Energy Action Coalition and a number of international allies including the International Rising Tide Network, Rainforest Action Network, and the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition.

For more information visit,

Nell Greenberg, 510.847.9777
Sam Haswell, 415.659.0519


Activists Blockade Bank of America to Protest Funding of Coal, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
BoA Boston FFD
Boston, MA – Copley Square, April 1, 2008. April Fools! As of 9:00AM, in conjunction with a downtown rally, four activists have locked themselves to the front entrance of the Bank of America branch in Copley Square. They are protesting the bank’s funding of coal and energy companies who are among the worst contributors to climate change, and directly responsible for innumerable human rights abuses in communities where coal is extracted and burned.

Update: Four arrests in Boston, some lock boxes were cut, but others were loaded into the police wagon still locked to each other.

The April Fools prank took place as part of the Fossil Fools Day of Action, in coordination with over 100 rallies, protests, and acts of civil disobedience around the world. These actions are intended to challenge and disrupt the fossil fuels industry, which scientists say is primarily responsible for global warming.

Bank of America has lent over $144 billion to companies like Massey Energy, Arch Coal, and Peabody Energy, who are infamous for their human rights violations, strip mining, and mountaintop removal coal mining. The demonstrators are demanding that Bank of America stop providing funding for coal companies engaged in all forms of surface mining and cancel all loans to new fossil fuel burning power plants.

“Without the financial support of large banks like Bank of America, the fossil fuels industry could not continue destroying the earth and our communities,” said Elise Ansel, who locked her arms to other activists in order to prevent the bank from doing business as usual.

Coal-burning power plants are responsible for 40% of U.S. greenhouse gases that cause global warming, and are a leading cause of asthma and lung cancer, causing over 24,000 premature deaths a year. “It’s not just an environmental issue. The people who are most affected by the coal industry are already disadvantaged by this economic system,” said Laila Murad of Brighton, who also locked down to the bank, “Coal plants are often built in low-income neighborhoods and communities of color, and the coal is most often mined in poor areas and on indigenous land. Coal mining is just another chapter in a long and bloody story of colonialism and injustice.”

The Fossil Fools Day of Action was called for by Rising Tide North America, Rainforest Action Network, and the Energy Action Coalition. More information on the actions taking place around the world is available at

Boston Fossil Fools Day Media Contact:

Colleen Cronin
781-308-2458 /

National Fossil Fools Day Media Contact:

Monica Vaughan, Rising Tide North America
541-521-1832 /

More photos

At the University of Kentucky, USA, students protested the university’s coal-fired power plant by climbing atop the coal stockpile, and raising giant wind turbines. Raising a mock wind turbine on top of the UK power plant’s coal fuel pile was designed to show the futility and myopic vision of the University’s current energy policy. While happy to learn that UK does not use coal from mountaintop removal sites, the State of Kentucky’s flagship university is a fossil fool and it must demonstrate leadership and a far-thinking approach to its energy sourcing and usage.

April is Earth Month, and as students of the University of Kentucky and Bluegrass Community and Technical College we are obliged to point out the areas where our public institutions need improvement.

Given the gravity and immediacy of global warming as a preeminent issue of our lifetimes, we believe that the University of Kentucky’s continued reliance on coal should be lambasted, and what better way to do so than in the spirit of April Fool’s Day?

Raising a mock wind turbine on top of the UK power plant’s coal fuel pile was designed to show the futility and myopic vision of the University’s current energy policy. While we are happy to learn that UK does not use coal from mountaintop removal sites, the State of Kentucky’s flagship university is a fossil fool and it must demonstrate leadership and a far-thinking approach to its energy sourcing and usage.

Fossil fuel use is unequivocally bad for the environment at large, as well as all of its denizens; however, it is through obstacles of our own making that we continue on this short-sighted and harmful path. Kentucky needs to rethink the destruction of its mountains and its coal use, and groups like the Energy Action Coalition, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, UK Greenthumb, and The University of Transylvania’s TERRA are great leaders and resources for those wishing to become educated or involved.

We wish everyone a Happy Earth Month, invite everyone to UK’s Earth Day Fair Tuesday April 22nd, and look forward to a continuing dialogue to meet the concerns and needs of everyone here in our great state.

Concerned Students and Citizens


For further details of more actions in North America, check out and