9 UK Actions: ALF/ARM/Countrside Resistance

ALF Outreach 3ALF Outreach 2ALF Outreach 19 UK Actions: ALF/ARM/Countrside Resistance9 UK Actions: ALF/ARM/Countrside Resistance

19th-29th April >>

anonymous report (photo above):

“Springtime is here, and images of lambs frolicking in the sunshine leap to mind. Unfortunately, for most lambs the reality is much harsher – confined to metal pens, with the slaughter man’s noose permanently weighing around their necks. Well not if the ALF have anything to do with it..

Ten lambs have been liberated from this death sentence and given loving new homes. They are now free to live out their natural lives away from abuse and repression.

ALF – respect life..”

Source: http://directaction.info/news_apr29_08.htm


anonymous communique:

“During the night, activists broke into an intensive breeding unit in Hampshire. Inside this windowless prison they found hundreds of young birds living in squalor with no access to fresh air or sunlight.

The hens were destined for a lifetime of suffering in miserable egg farms where they would have been exploited until no longer profitable and slaughtered. However, in just over 2 hours volunteers had loaded 530 of the birds and took them to safety. As the morning light rose, for the first time in their lives they saw daybreak, sunshine and felt the earth beneath their feet.

Dedicated to all those who acted to free animals from their cages but ended up incarcerated themselves…


Source: http://directaction.info/news_apr28b_08.htm


reported anonymously:

“In solidarity with the World Day demonstration outside of Novartis’ torture labs the following day, and to remind them that not all activists carry placards and bullhorns, two Novartis vivisectors were visited at home in Horsham on Friday night.

Steve Charlton of 7 Saint Christopher Close had glue put in his front door lock, and ‘Animal Abuser at No. 7’ was painted on a row of garages next to his house. We can’t be sure they were his, but we’ll leave it to him to explain that one to his neighbours.

At 5 Ryecroft Drive, Gerald Dubois had left a car out under an open window. Hardly a deterrent. Silent as the night that hid us, we stripped the paint, slashed all the tires and left our calling card in our own paint.

You never see us, and you can’t stop us.

Animal Liberation Front”

Source: http://directaction.info/news_apr27_08.htm


reported anonymously:

“Yet another hunt scum has received the ALF treatment in Humberside,
this time the target was a dark blue Volvo estate displaying one of
those ridiculous countryside alliance stickers.

The car was a piece of trash before we even got started, missing
lights and the front reg plate, covered in dents etc. It’s a wonder
it’s even safe to drive.

Thought we’d add to the damage already incurred by adding a few extra
dents and scratches, also let the tires down and superglued the
valves shut.

Have a nice day, courtesy of the ALF”

Source: http://directaction.info/news_apr26c_08.htm


anonymous communique:

“To give World Week For Lab animals a good start, the ALF were out spreading the good news.

Unfortunately, Novartis director Kevin White at 3 Pipson Close, Yateley, Hampshire, GU46 6JL forgot to leave us much to work with, so after the standard package – sloganeering of windows, doors and walls; glueing of locks – we had to improvise. Fortunately we green-fingered types noticed that his daffodil border looks a lot nicer when redistributed around his whole garden. We hope Kev likes our flower arranging.

Novartis employee Christopher Golunski of Carthena Drive, Fleet, Hampshire, GU52 7SF was far more sporting, displaying his car under a very handy floodlight. An ‘ALF classic’ was duly administered.

Until next time…

Source: http://directaction.info/news_apr24_08.htm


received anonymously:

“There are some that would have dominion over England’s pastureland, claiming to be its guardian but enslaving some animals for food, and hunting others for leisure. They must be resisted!

shooting signs have been ripped from their posts

2 pheasant were pens were destroyed :- water hoppers cut, electricity lines chopped, fencing torn and poles ripped from the ground and broken, main water supply and tubing sabotaged, locks glued on entrance gates, feeders removed and dismantled

tyres were slashed on a land rover that visibly displayed support for the shooting lobby

Don’t let these scum get away with murder in the name of countryside ‘conservation’.

The Countryside Resistance”

Source: http://directaction.info/news_apr24b_08.htm


anonymous communique:

“That disgusting piece of scum Tristian Roberts might get a little
surprise when he opens his post, paint and bricks through the windows
are going to be the least of his worries.

He seems to think that it’s ok to torture and kill innocent animals,
and that mutilating a pregnant sheep with pitchforks and fence posts
before dumping the body in a wheelie bin is just a bit of Saturday
night fun. You may get off lightly in the courts because of your age,
but we’ll make sure justice is done.

We don’t just target vivisection all forms of animal abuse are
equally wrong.

Animal Rights Militia”

Source: http://directaction.info/news_apr23_08.htm


anonymous report:

“Oops we accidentally squirted super glue into the locks at a butchers
store in Hull, how clumsy of us.

Have fun opening the locks on your shutters, might need a drill
rather than a key though.

In solidarity with the actions against butchers at Norwich market
earlier in the month.

Yorkshire ALF”

Source: http://directaction.info/news_apr23b_08.htm


reported by activists in the UK (see photos in link below):

“So we recognised a little problem (if you can really call it that) within the animal rights movement as activists continue to argue and disagree over what forms of activism are most or more effective.

This is called the Direct Action vs. Outreach debate, which is known throughout the broader revolution by compassionate individuals looking for real change. A solution to this is ALF Outreach, taking direct action primarily to educate others about the atrocities and crimes towards the non-human animals on this earth.

Since understanding that an undeclared war against innocent individuals is currently taking place, we knew we had to take action. Our cell demonstrated our commitment in the last few months by stenciling ‘animal liberation’ over 40 times on walls, bollards, pillars, electricity pylons, water meters & carparks. Identical tagging years ago inspired our activity.

This is dedicated to 90% of the public who continue to consume graveyard food and to the badger who caught us off guard recently, the only individual who has.

Here is a tip for those who have spent a lot of effort to remove our work. It takes far less time for us to tag than it does for you to clean up after us. The bottom line is we will be back to replace our work time and time again and that this is a much larger battle that you are not prepared for. Just remember that you own the paths and streets just as much as we do, we claim the right to decorate because nobody else has. Whether its animals in battery farms or those starving in poverty, veganism is the solution for the forthcoming revolution. Until all are free!

Want to join in? Get your stencils from http://www.animalrightsmerchandise.com, they are only £1.50 and can be shipped worldwide. A message for the police: you can raid their offices, but we’ll just double our actions to support them.

Tagging the state and reclaiming the streets,
ALF Outreach-South West”

Source: http://directaction.info/news_apr19_08.htm