Local residents directly oppose development in Hulme, Manchester

How local residents begin campaign against – diversecity – (a not-so-local development company)

Around 10am ish today (and i say 10am ish cos i dont have a watch) Diversecity a development company began survey work on a lovely tree scattered site in Hulme . By 11am ish local residents were waking up to the reality of the Leaf St. development and decided something had to be done! And fast! So a few folk went and spoke to the surveyors giving them fair warning that people didn’t want them to continue their work . One of the surveyors even agreed with local residents, saying “I wouldn’t want it if I lived round here.”
Anyway lets cut to the chase…around 1pm ish the surveyors head of for luncheon… and there it is…

Aย golden opportunity of spontaneous energetic bliss…….. a free-form-freena-na-gig-group is formed and the butter knife* of justice is called upon and before a surveyor can say “chips peas and gravy, luv!” the bore drill cable is cut through like warm soya margarine…and that’s all the surveying work done for one day at least!!!!!

BIG WHOOPS OF JOY!!!!!!! round one….. local residents – 1 diversecity – 0

* for (butter knife) insert (bolt crimpers)* ๐Ÿ™‚

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