Newcastle community green festival FREE 7/8 june

The uk’s largest free environmental event, Newcastle community green festival 7/8 june 12pm till 6pm(after parties across the city). Come to beautiful leases park right in the centre of Newcastle and enjoy two days of music, dance and green workshops.

The uk’s largest free environmental event, Newcastle community green festival 7/8 june 12pm till 6pm(after parties across the city). Come to beautiful leases park right in the centre of Newcastle and enjoy two days of music, dance and green workshops.

The event is non-corporate, car-free and family-friendly. Workshops covering low impact living, green transport, D.i.Y culture, green gardens, biodiversity, healing area, kidz area’s, heritage crafts, green politics and debates, tree hugging, vegan and veggie foods, plant sales, refugee rights and so much more…

Three stages showcasing the best local music talent with friends from across the country.
The festie is FREE and run entirly by volunteers for the love of it.
There is NO CAMPING on site sorry.