Forest activists take their protest to the headwaters of the Styx River, Tasmania


TN47C logging protest (2)TN47C logging protest (1)2008-05-08

Yesterday morning, community activists halted the logging of old growth forests near the headwaters of the Styx River. Ten activists have peacefully occupied coupe TN47C, located 100 metres from the TWWHA boundary near the base of Mount Mueller to highlight the continued destruction of Tasmania’s unique old growth forests.

“Tasmania is in a state of environmental emergency. Every single day, our island’s unique old growth forests are felled, bulldozed and trucked off to the woodchipper. Gunns Ltd.’s stranglehold on the Lennon government has been highlighted again this week and once again it will be our precious carbon rich forests, the taxpayer and the community that will suffer as a result of yet another matey deal between climate criminals John Gay, Bob Gordon and Paul Lennon” said Still Wild Still Threatened spokesperson Ula Majewski.

“We are calling on the Rudd government to take serious action on climate change and put a stop to this outrageous situation by ensuring the immediate protection of ancient forests in the Styx, Weld and Upper Florentine valleys. The continued devastation of Tasmania’s old growth forests has global ramifications and must be halted immediately” said Miss Majewski.

Forest activists will continue to take peaceful action against the continued logging of Tasmania’s southern forests.