Timeline – SmashEDO Carnival Against the Arms Trade

The SmashEDO Carnival Against the Arms Trade was held in Brighton on Wednesday 4th June. Over 500 people marched from The Level to the EDO/ITT factory in Moulescombe [Pics] Police plans to contain everyone in a pen outside a neighbouring unit were foiled, and protestors managed to get to the factory. The gates were opened to allow a police van into the EDO/ITT car park and protestors seized the opportunity to enter the car park and vent their rage against the arms company. A few arrests were reported [Press Release]

Smash EDO Carnival 1Smash EDO Carnival 2Smash EDO Carnival 3

The SmashEDO Carnival Against the Arms Trade was held in Brighton on Wednesday 4th June. Over 500 people marched from The Level to the EDO/ITT factory in Moulescombe [Pics] Police plans to contain everyone in a pen outside a neighbouring unit were foiled, and protestors managed to get to the factory. The gates were opened to allow a police van into the EDO/ITT car park and protestors seized the opportunity to enter the car park and vent their rage against the arms company. A few arrests were reported [Press Release]


[15:50] Report of one violent arrest of person leaving. His head was covered in blood and he was complaining of a broken arm.

[15:45] Reports of 4 arrests – 2 outside factory and two of people leaving. An attempt to arrest a legal observer seems not to have worked. Report of 10 people kettled on the Lewes Road.

[15:35] Protestors are now moving in small groups back towards town. One police motorcycle outrider seen covered head to toe in gloss paint. A random arrest for no discernible reason seen under the bridge.

[15:20] Crowd is now moving away from main gate and down the hill. Police appear to be in disarray. Latest report is that gates were opened to allow a police van in, and crowd (possible 100 – 150) took the opportunity to force their way into the car park.

[15:03] Report that a protestor de-arrested himself and managed to escape through 2 police lines.

[14:59] Police are now using dogs to force crowd back.

[14:56] 10 windows smashed. Building graffitied with “smash capita” and “F*ck EDO”. Report that 2 protestors were pepper sprayed. Police used batons to force people out of car park.

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