Sustainable Transport: Climate Camp Style

The camp for climate action is already hotting up. Literally.

Scottish climate camp bike caravanThe camp for climate action is already hotting up. Literally.

The bicycle caravan heading down to Kingsnorth from Scotland arrived in Newcastle Upon Tyne yesterday. The group has made their way down from the Scottish Borders in blistering heat. They arrived looking happy and a wee bit sunburnt.

The group plan to cycle to to the camp for climate action calling at some of the u:k’s loveliest beauty spots and some of the ugliest polluters alike. See map on for details.
Unfortunately one of the riders took a tumble in the Scottish Border region and has fractured her elbow. The bicycle caravan and the injured rider are determined to carry on and to confront E-on and the UK governments coal fired and nuclear energy policy which is sponsoring climate chaos.


The bicycle group are calling on all groups and individuals to put on your helmets and get on your bike. Join the cycle caravan to Kingsnorth and join the movement to stop climate change.

CONTACT: 07786 381674 – Leave a message and they will get in touch.

The 2008 climate camp is happening 3-11 August close to Kingsnorth power station in Kent, site of the proposed new coal fired power station. Everybody welcome!