Office Attacked in Protest of Pulp Mill

“On the morning of Thursday the 31th of July, the Earth Liberation Front attacked the Victorian office of Gunns Ltd. This was an act of economic sabotage and resistance against the proposed Tamar Valley Pulp Mill, an eco-cidal project which would cause disastrous and irreversible damage to the ancient and precious eco-system of Tasmania.

“On the morning of Thursday the 31th of July, the Earth Liberation Front attacked the Victorian office of Gunns Ltd. This was an act of economic sabotage and resistance against the proposed Tamar Valley Pulp Mill, an eco-cidal project which would cause disastrous and irreversible damage to the ancient and precious eco-system of Tasmania.

This mill’s hunger for woodchips would mean a doubling of the already immense current rate of wood-chipping[1], ravaging the native forests of the North-East of the state. It would bring the Tasmanian Wedge-tailed eagle, the Spotted Tail Quoll and the Giant Fresh-Water Crayfish to the brink of extinction[2]. It would spew 30 billion litres of dioxin and furan laced effluent into the Bass Straight every year[3], consume up to 40 billion litres of fresh water[4], and contribute greatly to climate change[5].

We will not accept Gunns’s continual assault on Tasmania’s old growth forests, wildlife, water supplies and carbon sinks. More extreme forms of eco-cide call for more extreme forms of protest.

We will not cease until Gunns abandons its controversial Tamar Valley Pulp Mill.

In defense of our Earth,

Earth Liberation Front.

[1] Gunns Ltd. Bell Bay Pulp Mill, Draft Integrated Impact Statement.
[2] Gunns’s referral under the EPBC Act, April 2007.
[3] University of Melbourne and Forestry Tasmania 2003: Bekessy transcripts, Wielangta court case 2006.
[4] Gunns Ltd. Bell Bay Pulp Mill, Draft Integrated Impact Statement.
[5] Trees- The forgotten solution to climate change; The Wilderness Society, 2006.”

Reported anonymously by Bite Back