Shell to Sea: Notice served on Solitaire

As part of the ongoing week of action in Rossport, a letter was today delivered to the Solitaire demanding its withdrawal from the project.

Yesterday afternoon a team of kayakers braved the waters of Donegal Bay to paddle over a kilometre out to sea to deliver a letter of protest to Captain Simon Van Der Plicht of the Solitaire.

As part of the ongoing week of action in Rossport, a letter was today delivered to the Solitaire demanding its withdrawal from the project.

Yesterday afternoon a team of kayakers braved the waters of Donegal Bay to paddle over a kilometre out to sea to deliver a letter of protest to Captain Simon Van Der Plicht of the Solitaire.

A crane lowered a bucket from the ship to receive the letter after the kayakers spoke to the Captain on the radio.

Representing the views of many from the communities affected by the Corrib gas project, the letter asks the Captain to reconsider his, and the ship’s, participation in the development.

The letter clearly states that if the Captain chooses to continue the ship’s involvement he will meet strong resistance. Many people have pledged to take to the water to stop this pipeline construction work.

Today’s action is part of a Shell to Sea Week of Action targeting the Solitaire.

Actions will take place all this week until the ship is forced to abandon work.