Aldermaston Big Blockade October 27 & Oct. 4th: “No Missile Defence at Menwith Hill & Derby Trident 22nd September

Help disrupt illegal work on WMD at Britain’s nuclear bomb factory

Help disrupt illegal work on WMD at Britain’s nuclear bomb factory

In 2006/7, Faslane 365 saw well over 1000 arrests during a year-long blockade of the Trident submarine base in Scotland . Last Easter, AWE Aldermaston saw its biggest demonstration in two decades as 5000 people surrounded the base to mark the 50th anniversary of the first Aldermaston march. Trident Ploughshares now invite you to a major blockade of the Berkshire nuke factory, where billions of pounds are currently being spent developing new warhead facilities that will scupper nuclear disarmament for another 50 years. Help us uphold international law by blockading this factory of death in what promises to be a colourful celebration of life and people power. There is a role for everyone. This event is supported by CND.

For further details, see:

Trident Ploughshares is a campaign to disarm the UK Trident nuclear weapons system in a non-violent, open, peaceful and fully accountable manner.

“Non-violence is stronger than any weapon. If humanity does not end the atom bomb I do not think the human species can last.” – Gandhi, speaking on the day of his assassination

There will be a weekend workshop of Trident Ploughshares nonviolence training, focussing on preparation for the October 27 Aldermaston Big Blockade at Walthamstow Friend’s Meeting House, 1a Jewel Road, off Hoe Street, Walthamstow, London E17 4QU on Saturday and Sunday 20th and 21st September.

The full weekend is primarily for people thinking of becoming members of Trident Ploughshares and making an ongoing commitment. People just wishing to prepare for the blockade are welcome to attend for the full weekend, but may also choose to attend on the SATURDAY ONLY.
There is no charge for the workshop, but participants are asked to contribute towards expenses if they are able to.

Contact Alison to register and for more details:
E-mail: alison.crane [at]
Tel: 01785 611 768 or 0845 4588 362 or 07886 972 319


Show your strength of feeling against American Missile Defense by coming to Menwith Hill near Harrogate. This US system, which Brown quietly said yes to in 2007, is making huge waves in Eastern Europe: Poland has agreed to missiles and the Czech Republic, despite a majority of its people against, has agreed to the US radar component for MD. Russia is already comparing these plans to the Cuban Missile Crisis…

CAAB holds an annual July 4th protest: Independence FROM America, and an autumn protest: Keep Space for Peace week. We also have weekly protests on Tuesday nights and have clocked up hundreds of arrests over the years!

START = This time we start in Kettlesing Layby HG3 2LP (opposite the Black Bull on the A59). TIME = 12 noon til 5-ish.


Musicians = * Lion Sound * Local group * Karl Dallas * Ylem * Monkey Wrenchers * Peace Artistes

Speakers = Colin Challen (Labour MP Morley and Rothwell)

Rebecca Johnson (Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy)

Food = Lunch O’Lils

…….and much more

Have fun! Bring your friends!


trident nuclear protest rolls royce raynesway derby 22/9/08

hope you’ll join us bring musical instruments or circus acts welcome a611 derby ring road nuclear plant demo

monthly anti nuclear .demo monday 22/9/18 hope you’ll all come rolls royce make parts for trident nuclear weapons 4 mass destruction used in wars this is illegal ..any person wishing to come to this worthwhile cause are more than welcome .we need musicians circus acts .anti nuclear banners, rolls royce keep uranium titaniun and many more substances connected with the manufacture of weapons off mass destruction .we believe also the swans on the river at rear are carrying radio active traces from cooling process from reactors i live a mile away .my fishponds loose oxygen through acid rain either from celanese chemical plant or rolls royce .the area surrounding these to plants have the highest leukemia deaths in the uk .why ..its not uncommon for me to find wildlife dying in this ares why i myself feed all wildlife .i boast the most birds in my garden in area .then next minute they die ..defra claim it is legal for these industries to poison animals / to stop them getting in to what they produce .celanese make cigarette tips .which help kill man any way .so why kill wildlife ..when the things they go in destroy life anyway .money money money and wealth .any person travelling .can get off the train at spondon station .1 mile away and get picked up /or even derby station . i’ve a 7 seater .or if travelling by car .park in my private lane out of police view ill run you down postcode de21 7bs .email .or 07727226032