Rossport Update on 11th September 2008 & solidarity action in Brighton & upcoming action in London

An update on the situation as of this morning in occupied Erris

After a truly momentous day in Erris yesterday,things are much calmer this morning.
The Solitaire has been confirmed to be stationery in Killybegs Co Donegal.

An update on the situation as of this morning in occupied Erris

SolitaireAfter a truly momentous day in Erris yesterday,things are much calmer this morning.
The Solitaire has been confirmed to be stationery in Killybegs Co Donegal.

Police presence in the area is still very heavy this morning although the general atmosphere (aside from at the compound gates) is slightly less tense. Maura Harrington continues her courageous hunger strike at the compound gates with round the clock solidarity from both locals and the camp.
Shell to Sea hunger striker

It is still not clear how exactly the Solitaire sustained the damage to its “stinger”
The stinger is DEFINITELY slightly damaged in one section however this reporter can confirm that it was not so damaged on Tuesday night when it arrived in Broadhaven Bay and that conditions all throughout Tuesday night were absolutely calm both at land and on sea (remembering that the Solitaire can operate in extremely heavy seas unhindered due to its size).

The cause of the damage is a heavily speculated upon matter and I will not add to other than the fact that AllSeas Ltd may be contractually relieved from its obligations under a damge clause in the contract.

More from yesterday

Lock-on protest

The 5 people who locked on in atrocious conditions for 6 and a half hours from 5.30am to midday and blocked the road were all released without charge from Belmullet Garda Station. 4 were held for 6 and a half hours and 1 was released after 4 hours. They report that they were treated well in Garda custody and that their needs were attended to correctly.

Up to 15 people were in attendance in solidarity at one point or another during the day, Shell to Sea lock-on 1Shell to Sea lock-on 2Gardai refused to allow any to stay inside the walls of the (public) station,including a solicitor who is part of the protests. The lock-on participants are all in good form today and proud of their actions and a good day for the campaign.

Pat O’Donnell and son
Pat O’Donnell and son as has been previously reported were again arrested yesterday morning to prevent them exercising their legal entitlement to fish the waters of Broadhaven Bay. The pair were again arrested under the “blank cheque” that is Section 8 of the Public Order Act 1994.

This was the second time the pair were arrested in 24 hours and released without charge,a spurious use and flagrant abuse of the law A possible route to stem this behaviour would be to seek an injunction in the High Court to prevent the Gardai from using the law in this way,this however is a very rare achievement and is unlikely to be heard.

Maura Harrington’s hungerstrike
Maura continued courageously with her refusal to eat until the Solitaire leaves Irish territorial waters. She has been giving interviews to media at intervals and has been chatting with supporters when the police are at a safe distance. Gardai were,at 4am on Wednesday morning ,revving their engines extremely loudly right in front of Maura’s car in order to disturb her sleep as much as possible. Supporters have maintained a constant presence since the beginning of the action at 5pm Tuesday.
The hunger strike continues

We do not know whether or not the Solitaire will return. We remain on high alert.

All solidarity in whatever form and wherever is needed and appreciated.

10th September:

Five Rossport Solidarity campers have locked on to a bridge about 100m from the gates of the Shell compound in Glengad. The campers have been locked on since 4:30am – 5am. Gardaí have refused to call the fire brigade, but have put a makeshift wee tent over the protestors, and have cut a drain in the side of the road to allow lodging rain on the road to drain off.

Two fishing boat skippers (plus crews) have been arrested after Gardaí boarded the vessels as they approached the Solitaire at anchor in Broadhaven Bay. Local on-the-scene reports say that Pat ‘the Chief’ O’Donnell and his son Jonathan are among those arrested. Gardaí are alleging public order offences (I expect to hear they’ll all be released without charges soon). Gardaí are preventing access now to the compound gates, where Maura Harrington remains in her car and on hunger strike. Gardaí are using the lock-on action as a pretext for stopping public movement along that stretch of road.There is only one protestor keeping watch on Maura with a camera, but supporters can get close to both of them through the fields nearby. Internet connection has returned to the Camp office, since about an hour before this posting.

Welcome to Ireland 2008 – Shell’s little police state!

Get up to Mayo now and confront their violent thieving plans!

Pat O’Donnell and his son Jonathan were AGAIN arrested this morning as they were attempting to to exercise their legal right to be a sea.

The lock-on continues to block the road from the Belmullet side and the police have set up a road-block form the other side of the compund (Pollathomais side)

The 2-3 mile area in between is a pen where the police are preventing people from walking (although people are accessing the road,and Maura,through the fields.

The Police are attempting to begin the cutting of the pipes that are being used in the lock-on,this could take quite some time as they are extremely thick.

The lock-on participants are lying in puddles of water at this stage as the rain continues to lash down in Erris.

A constant vigil was kept at Mauras side all ngith with at least 5 people there at all times to ensure the cops didnt try anything.

The Solitaire is stationery at its anchor location and there is no activity on the compound at Glengad.

It must be underlined that the arrests of Pat O’Donnell and his comrades are TOTALLY spurious ,a bullshit application of Section 8 of the Public Order Act 1994 to keep the Chief and his fishermen colleagues off the waters.

An injunction is being sought to prevent further spurious arrests.


Brighton solidarity action with Shell to SeaTwo activists are currently occupying the roof of the Shell petrol garage on Preston Road, Brighton in solidarity with the communities resisting the Corrib gas pipeline development in Rossport, Ireland. This action is in response to an urgent call out made by the Rossport solidarity camp due to the presence of the pipe laying vessel, the Solitaire, in Broadhaven bay and the imminent commencement of the building of the pipeline.

The ship that is to build the pipeline is booked for the next two weeks. If Shell is able to follow its timetable to bring the pipeline into land, this will create massive problems for any resistance to the project in the future. Shell will be creating ‘facts on the ground’ which will essentially make it easier to push through a decision on the land route, which local residents and campaigners have been fighting against. If work is prevented at this time, it is unlikely that the ship will be able to return for at least two years as it has already been booked up.

Since 2005 there has been massive resistance, including a strong campaign of civil disobedience, from the local community, around Ireland and beyond.

Update – 4:30pm

The two protesters came down sometime after 3-30 and were immediately arrested following an accusation by the manager (a really nasty piece of work) of criminal damage to the roof. Quite how she knew this without looking can be for the courts to decide (can’t wait). They are now in Hollingbury Custody suite.


Rossport Solidarity Action
12 noon Monday 15th Sep
Allseas UK offices,7 Albemarle St, Westminster London WIS 4HQ

Allseas owns the Solitaire which tried to lay the gas pipe in Broadhaven Bay, Mayo last Tuesday. It has been damaged and may return to Holland. A local Woman is on hunger strike until it leaves Irish waters and we in the UK have been asked to demonstrate at the Allseas offices in support of Maura. The offices previously advertised on this website cannot be confirmed as the Allseas offices so we are going to their registered address in Westminster. Please show solidarity to the people of Erris if you can.