CRUSH the Cabot CREDIT Circus

This Thursday the 25th of Sept, a call to action came to disrupt the farcical opening ceremony of Bristol’s brand new abomination.

CRUNCH the CABOT CREDIT CIRCUSThis Thursday the 25th of Sept, a call to action came to disrupt the farcical opening ceremony of Bristol’s brand new abomination.

CRUNCH CABOT CREDIT CIRCUS was emblazoned across the vile new shopping complex’s advertising hoard in plain view of motorists arriving through the newly routed, soon to be congested, road system that snakes around the £500 million project that offers yet more sterile, soulless, capitalist consumerism.

The ridiculous timing of the advent of this unnecessary monstrosity, during the so-called ‘credit crunch’, offers the opportunity to think about just how little community consultation took place; about the mass displacement of the poorer sections of our community to make way for its construction; and about the sheer slap in the face to people on low-incomes whose lives hang in the balance as banks crumble and credit becomes scarce. All the while the Bristol (Imperial) Alliance siphon off what profits they might make, out of our city, to Birmingham, London and the hands of a few corporate profiteers.

This rupture with the Alliance’s image and ethos – where ‘retail therapy’ has replaced community contact and our social interactions are increasingly channelled through monetary transactions and materialist consumption – serves as an exclamation. This is a call for further and sustained action against this odious symbol of aggressive global capitalism and the gentrification that is seeping into our city.

Already full of empty shops, at such a financially unstable time, if it doesn’t crumble of its own accord, this disease must be purged from the city,


Take your own actions.

Whistle crews, musical chair shop invasions, dress like the drones that make this shambolic circus possible and cause some mischief!

Join the Zombie march this Saturday the 27th of Sept, assemble 11am at the Bandstand in Castle Park, shamble & lurch from noon.

Buy Nothing: Steal Something Day:

CABOT CIRCUS on Indymedia: