Activists Bring Biofuels Conference to Stand Still on World Food Day

Climate Activists have brought the Newark Biofuels Expo to a stand still with rape alarms and banners.

Climate Activists have brought the Newark Biofuels Expo to a stand still with rape alarms and banners.

A group of climate activists calling themselves ‘Action Against Agrofuels’ have brought the Newark Biofuels Expo to a standstill. The campaigners have successfully scaled the roof of the building at the Newark Showground, dropping large banners inside the conference hall whilst others set off multiple rape alarms inside the centre to protest the rape of the planet that Agrofuels are causing.

Their action against the Expo, dubbed by campaigners as the ‘Newark Exposé’, was staged, they say, to protest against the ‘greenwash’ that Biofuels can be sustainable and are good for the environment. John Simmons, from the roof of the Newark building, said “It is unacceptable that the Biofuels industry, which is responsible for large-scale rainforest destruction, evictions of communities, hunger and accelerated climate change hold conferences where they portray themselves as ‘green’”.

According to a recent World Bank report, which the White House attempted to bury, 75% of recent food price rises are attributable to the increasing use of Biofuels. Given that 100 million extra people are going hungry this year alone, activists are incensed that this trade show has been timed to coincide with World Food Day.

Jessica Boyd justified her actions by saying that: “The evidence that large-scale Biofuels are worsening climate change, displacing food production and devastating communities and biodiversity is overwhelming, yet governments still support this destructive industry. This is why I was left with no choice but to take action.”

Outside the site, in front of a large banner which reads “inside for greenwashing, hunger and deforestation” another separate group of activists from Leeds are conducting a leaflet and banner protest at the gate.

The action comes at the tail of another week of protest with the much publicised Climate Rush on Parliament. The activists intend to stay in position for as long as possible. Four of the group are being detained at present.