Grass Roots Gathering in Cork in November

The next Grass Roots Gathering will take place in Cork on the weekend of the 14th, 15th and 16th of November.

Grassroots Gathering Cork posterThe next Grass Roots Gathering will take place in Cork on the weekend of the 14th, 15th and 16th of November.

This Gathering will have the twin themes of Inclusion and Community Building – Surviving the ‘ Recession’ . During the early planning stages we spent some time thinking about who comes to these gatherings and how we could encourage and enable more diverse participation, especially for people who have found it difficult to attend previous gatherings. To facilitate this we are holding the event in city centre venues with full accessibility, making it child, parent, teenager and elder friendly and asking as many groups and communities as possible what we need to do to make them feel welcome ( Basically trying to let go of thinking that we have all the answers and doing a bit more listening ! ) If you are planning on attending we hope you will try stepping outside your comfort zone and invite or enable a friend you may not have approached due to shyness or stereotyping to join you.

Workshops, activities and events being planned so far include : The present legal situation for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-gender people, Travellers and settled people working together, Telling stories, sharing experience looking at exclusion. Housing coops, food security, tackling racism in times of unemployment, reproductive rights, women’s right to choose, conflict resolution, social centres, recent experience, L.E.T.S. , reclaiming our natural resources, energy security,

+ Film showings, crimes of the built environment, swap shop, creative corner, activist well being, art activism, welcoming area for people dropping by and the shy among us, and displays by various community groups and campaigns. Also expect some surprises we want to keep people awake at this gathering !

On Saturday night there will be a traditional Cork cabaret. We are inviting some classic local acts but leaving plenty of time free to show case your talents so come prepared ! music , dance , poetry , interventions , comedy ,readings , circus or whatever you fancy all welcome.

I’m organising accommodation for people who are coming to the Grassroots Gathering 14th 15th and 16th November, Cork City, so if anyone in Cork can put people up for the weekend, or anyone travelling to Cork needs accommodation please email me at:
or text me on:
085 7560078

Email address for getting in touch with gg organising group as follows: