Anti-incinerator protest staged

The SCAI who are trying to stop an incinerator being built in south Oxfordshire have held a protest outside County Hall. The site at Sutton Courtenay near Didcot is one of two being considered by Oxfordshire County Council.

Anti-incinerator protest stagedThe SCAI who are trying to stop an incinerator being built in south Oxfordshire have held a protest outside County Hall. The site at Sutton Courtenay near Didcot is one of two being considered by Oxfordshire County Council.

One of the campaigners, Callum MacKenzie, said they did not want to see an incinerator built anywhere in the Oxfordshire area.

The protesters also handed over a petition against the plans. “We are opposed to incineration, not just in Sutton Courtenay, but in Oxfordshire,” said Mr MacKenzie.

“We are not talking of what we can get out of this as a result of it coming here. We are talking about it not coming here full stop.”