Titnore Woods battle goes on! Upcoming events & update

DETERMINED eco-protesters in Worthing are facing up to the hardest challenge yet in their two and a half year occupation of threatened woodland.

Trees drawingDETERMINED eco-protesters in Worthing are facing up to the hardest challenge yet in their two and a half year occupation of threatened woodland.

The freezing temperatures and stormy conditions mean life is currently no picnic for the hardy protesters camped out in Titnore Woods, West Durrington, in a last-ditch bid to try and stop a new housing estate and Tesco megastore from being built over green fields and ancient woodland.

And grateful local supporters are organising a pre-Christmas stall in the town centre to bring festive cheer to the tree-house dwellers, who moved onto the site back in May 2006.

They will be collecting provisions for the protesters under the title “A Hamper for a Camper” at Holder’s Corner, Montague Street, Worthing, on Saturday December 20, from 11am.

It wasn’t an easy option when the team of eco-heroes sneaked onto the threatened ancient woodland off Titnore Lane at the crack of dawn on a May bank holiday and started building their tree homes before anyone knew what was happening.

Most people assumed they’d be kicked off again straight away, but the days turned to weeks turned to months turned to years and they’re still there!

The final planning application isn’t even through yet – they had to rethink part of it – and you can still object, writing to the Worthing Borough Council planning department at Portland House, Richmond Road, Worthing and quoting WB/04/00040/OUT.

But, sadly, Worthing campaigners against the development have already discovered through years of campaigning, letter-writing, petition-raising and large, peaceful, demonstrations that money and power don’t listen to the little people who know the difference between right and wrong.

We live in a world where even if police commit murder or theft they can get completely off the hook.

We live in a world where politicians can lie through their teeth, start wars that kill hundreds of thousands of people, and get away with it. We live in a world that is being choked to death by the blind greed of capitalism and yet we are told there is no other option.

The Titnore campers are part of that bigger picture – they have the guts to physically put themselves on the line and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Please support them in any way you can – food, supplies, a friendly visit.

There are tough times ahead and we all need to be there for each other.

* 1990s road protester Jim Hindle will be giving a talk at 8pm on Thursday January 29 upstairs at The Rest in Bath Place, Worthing. All welcome.