January 7th 2009

Tasmanian based logging company Gunns Ltd has issued a law suit on thirteen forest defenders claiming damages for trespass, and seeking an injunction that will prevent the defendants from entering its property and land holdings.

January 7th 2009

Tasmanian based logging company Gunns Ltd has issued a law suit on thirteen forest defenders claiming damages for trespass, and seeking an injunction that will prevent the defendants from entering its property and land holdings.

The forest campaigners halted work at the Triabunna woodchip mill in an act of civil disobedience to draw attention to the impact of old growth logging on climate change.

The proposed Gunns Ltd Pulp Mill and recent announcements that construction may begin in 2009 will ensure that Tasmanian forest protection will remain a central issue in the lead up to the next federal election.

This lawsuit comes four years after Gunns Ltd issued the now infamous Gunns 20 lawsuit in 2004 against twenty individuals and organisations in response their efforts to protect Tasmania’s native forests. It is clear the desire to protect Tasmania’s forests has not diminished.