CLIMATE ACTION NEWS SHEET 85, December/January 2008/2009


1. Camp for Climate Action Gathering, 31.01.09-01.02.09
2. Earth First! Winter Moot, 6-8.02.09
3. Mobilising for the COP, 13-15.03.09
4. Do It Yourself! Course, 22-27.03.09
5. Fossil Fools Day 2009, 01.04.09
6. Coal Caravan, April 2009


1. Camp for Climate Action Gathering, 31.01.09-01.02.09
2. Earth First! Winter Moot, 6-8.02.09
3. Mobilising for the COP, 13-15.03.09
4. Do It Yourself! Course, 22-27.03.09
5. Fossil Fools Day 2009, 01.04.09
6. Coal Caravan, April 2009
7. Earth Activist Training, 11-26.07.09
8. Nonviolence for a Change Training, Jan-Dec 2009

1. Case collapses against E.On blockaders, 14.01.09
2. Heathrow’s third runway gets the go-ahead and activists respond, January 2009
3. Plane Stupid shut down Stansted Airport, 08-12.08
4. 48 hours of action against E.on and new coal, 28-29.11.08
5. Scottish coal rail terminal shut down, 15.12.08
6. E.ON forced to abandon recruitment tour, November 2008
7. Kelsterback Forest Occupation (Frankfurt Airport), ongoing


1) Camp for Climate Action New Year Gathering, 31.01.09 – 01.02.09
2008 saw the biggest Climate Camp to date and the most incredible array of direct action against climate change on record. But what does 2009 hold in store? Regardless of whether you’ve been to a climate camp, all are welcome to come along to this exciting weekend gathering. We will be asking ourselves whether there should be another big summer event and, if so, what it should be. Already there have been many possibilities raised, ranging from another rural camp to a singular day of action. Other ideas include an urban convergence or a climate caravan. The gathering will also provide a forum to talk

2) Earth First! Winter Moot, 6-8.02.09
The Earth First! Winter Moot is a weekend to reflect on where we are as a radical ecologist movement and on where we are going. The moot will be about discussing strategy, strengthening the EF! network, security and communications, and action planning. A session is also reserved for discussing a UK mobilisation for the UN climate conference in Copenhagen late 2009. The moot will be held in Brighton (t.b.c.). Please check the website nearer to the time for further details and email any items you would like to add an item to the agenda to moot2009 at

3) Mobilising for the COP, 13-15.03.09
The UN Climate Conference of Parties number 15 is set to take place in Copenhagen on the 30th of November 2009, and it will be the biggest climate summit ever to have taken place. More than 12,000 delegates – business leaders, politicians, diplomats and lobbyists – are going to be discussing an international treaty to replace the failed Kyoto Protocol.

Tens of thousands of activists and protesters will be making their way to Copenhagen for this major event. In September 2008 people from more than 23 countries met in Copenhagen and agreed on a Call to Action, calling for people to start mobilizing and to carry out actions locally as well as coming to Copenhagen for mass actions.
Another international planning meeting will take place in March (13th-15th) 2009 where the concepts and strategy for action will be discussed.

4) Do It Yourself! 22-27.03.09
A course exploring tools for empowerment and grassroots social change, at the Findhorn Foundation

Can we manage our own lives and communities at the grassroots rather than retreating into fear, blame and stereotypes or looking to others to solve the problems? Many people believe that the answers to the big questions lie in community empowerment, bottom up organising. This course provides a chance to become confident using a range of techniques designed to this end and to clarify our visions for the potential of these approaches. We will also put aside time to deal with the emotions and doubts raised and include a range of short films and contemporary case studies.

The main aims of the course are to share with participants tools, knowledges, and initiatives which can be used to empower themselves and their communities, and inspire positive social change, based on co-operation and solidarity. The course will draw on the book DO IT YOUSELF – A Handbook for Changing Our World edited by TRAPESE (see Email for more info:

5) Fossil Fools Day 2009, 01.04.09
Just in case you missed the news – Fossil Fools Day is back! On April 1st, join the global day of resistance and pull a prank that packs a punch. Call-out now available on the website, so help spread the word. If you would like leaflets and/or posters send us an email and we’ll post you some –

6) Coal Caravan, 17.04.09 – 04.05.09
The fabulous climate caravan lives on. This time we will be the COAL CARAVAN, walking and cycling between the sites for proposed open cast mines and new power stations in the Midlands, Yorkshire and North East. On our route we’ll be talking to local people, organising bicycled power films and events, holding public discussions and displays, and linking groups from different areas to help strengthen isolated campaigns.

Precise details of the route are to be confirmed, but put the dates in your diary now! Meet up Friday 17th April (W. Midlands), to start our journey on Saturday 18th. The Caravan will end two and a half weeks later with a grand finale on Bank Holiday Monday (4th May).
The caravan itself will not involve direct action (although we may offer training, if local groups so request).

7) Earth Activist Training, 11-26.07.09
Learn the skills to transform a piece of land, a community, and our political and economic systems. Spend two weeks in rural Devon learning: Nature and wilderness awareness, Diversity in ecosystems and social movements, Solutions that exist: alternative energy; organic farming; natural building; bioremediation & restoration, Soil and woodland ecology and much, much more …

On completion participants will receive a permaculture design certificate. The course will be held at Landmatters Permaculture Cooperative in Devon. Costs: £200 – £650 sliding scale according to income. /

8) Nonviolence for a Change Training, 2009
Turning the Tide will offer monthly workshops in nonviolent methods and strategies for social change. You can participate as a member of the year-group (committing to all eleven sessions) or only come to those workshops which interest you.


1) Case collapses against E.On blockaders, 14.01.09
Two environmentalists, arrested following a blockade of E.On’s Nottingham offices on Fossil Fools Day 2008, had the case against them dismissed on Wednesday 14th January. The case collapsed after it emerged that the prosecution had offered no evidence to support the charge of aggravated trespass. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) were found to have been negligent in their administration of the case and were ordered to pay the defence’s costs.

2) Heathrow’s third runway gets the go-ahead and activists respond,
January 2009
Both Heathrow and Manchester airports were targeted Monday 12th January with the domestic departure lounges of both airports simultaneously occupied by protesters. In London over 500 people defied airport bylaws by staging a sit-down dinner, forcing airport operator BAA to close 18 check-in desks. In Manchester police used powers under Section 14 of the Public Order Act to contain up to 100 protesters on the ground floor of Terminal 3, with one arrest.

Meanwhile, Greenpeace revealed that a plot of land within the proposed expansion site had been purchased in an attempt to delay the construction.

When the announcement came on Thursday 15th, ‘climate suffragettes’ smashed the windows of the Department of Transport ( and on Saturday 17th Jan, 500 flash mobbed at Heathrows terminal 5.

For all the details, pictures, videos and more visit –

3) Plane Stupid shut down Stansted Airport, 08-12.08
50 activists from Plane Stupid shut down Stansted Airport by camping on the runway and surrounding themselves with fortified security fencing. Plane Stupid announced ‘We are genuinely grateful for the level of support from people who have agreed with us that desperate times call for desperate measures. We have used this action to ask for everyone to ‘please, do something’. We hope that all those that have expressed support for today’s action will now think about what they are going to do to ensure the survival of our planet and people on it’.

4) 48 hours of action against E.on and new coal, 28-29.11.08
The 48 hours of action was a great first shot across the bows. E.On were rattled, local and national media took an interest, resources were gathered and are now ready to go, a new website is now up and running (, a list of targets has been compiled and E.on know that if they try to build a new coal fired power station at Kingsnorth then they will face a barrage of direct action – both towards their daily operations and their supply chain. E.on be warned. Actions took place in: London, Brighton, Bristol, Norwich, Coventry, Nottingham & Coventry and at Kingsnorth itself.

Plus, ‘Green Banksy’ invades Kingsnorth during the 48 hours: An
unidentified group allegedly penetrated Kingsnorth security and switched off almost 500 megawatts of generating capacity, cutting almost 2% off the nation’s power supply for about four hours.

5) Scottish coal rail terminal shut down, 15.12.08
30 campaigners from Coal Action Scotland together with local residents peacefully blockaded the entrance to the Scottish Coal-operated Ravenstruther coal rail terminal in South Lanarkshire for 8 hours. The protestors were acting to oppose the five open cast coal mines that deliver coal to the rail terminal and in resistance to the thirteen new open cast coal mines due to open in Scotland. Protestors erected and scaled a 15ft scaffolding tripod, blocking trucks from entering the terminal. Others locked themselves by their necks to a conveyor belt and a bulldozer, preventing coal stockpiles from being loaded onto trains. An
estimated 6,380 tonnes of coal were stopped from being transported from the coal mines to power stations, preventing the equivalent to 11,675.4 tonnes of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere.

6) E.ON forced to abandon recruitment tour, November 2008
Anti-coal protests at graduate careers fairs around the UK forced E.ON to cancel its recruitment tour. The energy company, which is planning to build a new coal power station at Kingsnorth, Kent, saw seventeen of its careers events disrupted. This was a co-ordinated national effort from students involved in People & Planet, the Coal Action Network, and the Camp for Climate Action. Leaflets, banners, fancy dress, conversations with attendees and eye-catching stunts were used to embarrass E.ON and dissuade graduates from joining the company. The Royal Bank of Scotland, one of E.ON’s main financial backers, were also targeted at the fairs over their role in providing loans to build the proposed new power station.

7) Kelsterback Forest Occupation (Frankfurt Airport), ongoing Resist Frankfurt Airport Expansion – defend the forest camp. After Heathrow, Frankfurt is the largest airport in Europe. Fraport (the company running the airport) and the German government are trying to build a new runway, to massively increase flights. To build the new runway, Fraport need to clear 250,000 m2 of protected forest. For seven months, activists have been squatting the forest, building tree platforms and floating rafts to resist attempts to chop down the forest. January 2009 is bringing threat of eviction – and they need all the help they can get. or

Rising Tide UK,
c/o 62 Fieldgate Street,
London E1 1ES
Tel: 07708 794665

See also the Camp for Climate Action (, Network for
Climate Action ( and Climate Indymedia


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This News Sheet was brought to you by Rising Tide, a grassroots network
of groups and individuals committed to taking action and building a
movement against climate change.

For more information…
Phone: +44 (0)845 458 8923 / +44 (0)7708 794665
Address: 62 Fieldgate St, London, E1 1ES
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