Firebird Social Centre eviction bid fails at first hurdle

Justice not Crisis were taken to court today by the owner of the Firebird who was attempting to seek an immediate eviction.

Justice not Crisis were taken to court today by the owner of the Firebird who was attempting to seek an immediate eviction.

JNC’S legal team prepared a defence opposing the eviction on many grounds including incorrect service of papers and hardship. Following a 30 min hearing the Judge agreed that the owner had failed to correctly serve the legal papers and the case was adjourned for 3 weeks for a further directions hearing.

JNC’ intend to vigorously oppose an immediate eviction and offered the owner a Order by consent deal which seems likely to be accepted. If accepted JNC agree to vacate the premises when the the site is sold for Socially rented homes, amongst other things and the owner would agree to allow us to remain.

This is a substancial victory for our campaign and should see 30 new homes for rent built on the site. This is only a start in reducing the 30,000 waiting list and our campaign will continue. We are currently considering our options when this battle is won and will report details of our next squat when it is identified.

We would like to thank the Squatters Advisory Service for their help in the preparation of our defence.

More info or for the Location of The Firebird Social Justice Centre