15 years on – Solsbury Hill anti-road resistance photo exhibition, book launch and on-line archive

Solsbury Hill near Bath was the setting for an early ’90s battle against road building (and by extension depending who you talked to from the campaign – unsustainable development/romans/global warming/industrial infrastructural growth/spectacular society/babylon/illogical transport policy/the tories/civilisation.)

Solsbury Hill near Bath was the setting for an early ’90s battle against road building (and by extension depending who you talked to from the campaign – unsustainable development/romans/global warming/industrial infrastructural growth/spectacular society/babylon/illogical transport policy/the tories/civilisation.)

Adrian Arbib a photographer who was also active in the campaign (and who has worked with indigenous groups worldwide) is publishing a book of his photos from the campaign and has set up a linked on-line video/document archive.

The book is being launched at a viewing and party of the Solsbury Hill Photo exhibit on Friday 20th February 6 – 8:30pm In the Walcot Chapel Gallery, Bath and over the road after to the Bell Pub.

The Exhibition is running until March 8th and the book of photo’s is coming out to coincide with the opening.
(Bring old photo’s/ news paper cuttings/ posters etc to up-load on the web page to make a bigger archive.)

For more details and to check out the archive see: www.solsburyhill.org.uk

ps please forward to any contacts from the hill.