Stop Incineration Now! SchNEWS Film and Roast Fundraiser !

Stop Incineration Now Film and Roast Fundraiser –
Just released:SchNEWS Film:Wasters:The quirky & inspiring story of a group of climate activists from Stop Incineration Now! & Climate Camp, who occupied the site of proposed Newhaven Incinerator last year, July 2008.
Also featured:The Story of Stuff.
Announcement of International Day of Action against Incineration: 11 July 2009

Stop Incineration Now Film and Roast Fundraiser –
Just released:SchNEWS Film:Wasters:The quirky & inspiring story of a group of climate activists from Stop Incineration Now! & Climate Camp, who occupied the site of proposed Newhaven Incinerator last year, July 2008.
Also featured:The Story of Stuff.
Announcement of International Day of Action against Incineration: 11 July 2009
and 2 day Caravan against Incineration:September 26 & 27 2009

Address: The Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton BN1 4JA
Directions: From frnt of Brighton Station, turn left down Trafalgar St to end, then left ont o London Road, keep walking till u come to Somerfields, the Club is just a few steps further down the same road.
Nearest Public Transport: Buses on London Road, Brighton train Station
Postcode: BN1 4JA | View Map
Time: 2pm onwards
Price: Nothing to enter, £3.50 donation for roast
Phone: 07505016362